(Y/N):That is for being an arrogant prick.

(Y/N) walks away as Riser gets up.

Riser: The game is on and once you lose that bitch of yours is Risers.

Ash:Sure thing fuck as soon as you can find your fucking balls.

Riser looks pissed as he teleports.
(Y/N) walks out and everyone follows him to Sona.

Sona:Oh (Y/N) you are early.I pressume you are done with my pawn.

(Y/N):Yes thank you for lending him to me. I am proud to say he has learnt alot.

Saji walks over to Sona turns around and bows towards you.

Saji:Thank you for everything (Y/N).

Sona:So I guess I will see you on the battlefield later today?

(Y/N):Yes and Saji please don't hold back. I would be very disappointed if all my work is wasted.

Saji:You got it my bro.

(Y/N):I'm glad well until then please enjoy the show...oh and don't learn to much.

(Y/N) teleports with Ash.

Issei:Where was Zeno?

Saji:Getting a sword from angles.


Saji:Yeah when (Y/N) unlocked his part of his potential he was able to use any holy sword but he ask chief Micheal for a very rare one.

Kiba:So if he wins he will have a phoenix,holy sword user and a fire phoenix.

Saji:Yes and after he is done with Sona he is going to be getting more peaces.

Sona:Well we will find out but now we need to watch his first game.

They teleport to the viewing room where the game is about to begin.

Serzech:The rating has began .

Rias:I know my brother made a trade with him.

Saji:Yes two pawns and Sona's sister lady leviathan also made a trade for two pawns.

Sona:Wait who did she give him?

Saji:That I don't know. We will only know when we see his match against Rias.

They watch as Zeno and Ash come out . The field is a sumple one it has two old buildings and in between has a huge beautiful forest in between it.
Zeno goes staight into the forest while Ash runs around everywhere. No one uderstands why until (Y/N) came out and nods his head.Ash stops and they walk towards Zeno. Then two women appear.Sona is commentating.

Karlamine:I am Karlamine and I'm a knight.

(Y/N):It is a pleasure to meet you and I pressume you are the other knight.

Siris:Yes I am Siris.

(Y/N):It truely is a pleasure to meet you both and under other circumstance I be praising both of you for being beautiful .

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