" Mammon tries to win you over. "

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" One (1), Y/N has been living here for a month now and they already know how to deal with things around here, so i'm sure they don't need you looking out for them. And Two (2), Y/N surprisingly gets along with us so you're not the only demon they trust around them. " Leviathan explained.

" Well for your information LITTLE BRO, i was the first demon Y/N ever became close with. So i have a good reason to be watching out for them like this. " Mammon said while he looks at Leviathan with a glare. Leviathan rolls his eyes and pushes Mammon's face away from his.

" Don't call me little bro, that's just cringey and annoying. " Leviathan said.

While Leviathan and Mammon were arguing about you, Beelzebub arrived and saw them both hiding behind a wall.

" What are you guys doing here? "

Beelzebub ask the two of them.

" Don't ask me! Ask him! " Leviathan then points at Mammon.

" He dragged me into this! "

" I did not! I only drag you here because you were so loud. " Mammon shouted.

" Well look who's talking?! You're literally shouting! " Leviathan shouted back. Beelzebub just ignored them and let them do their thing, he then goes to Belphegor and Y/N. Helping you out with the situation you are in.

" Hey Y/N, i received your text. Sorry if i didn't reply, i was on my way to buy some snacks for myself. " Beelzebub said. He then gets Belphegor off of you, carrying him with one arm.

" It's alright! Thanks for the help Beel, i knew i could count on you. " You then pinch Beelzebub's (face) cheeks as a way of praising him, Beelzebub blushed and smiled.

" Thank you Y/N, you're really kind. " Beelzebub said in return. " I'll see you at class later, we have the same class schedule. Right? "

You took out your class schedule and showed it to him. " Sure did! I'll go and wait for you there. " You wave Beelzebub goodbye and head over to your class.

Just in time, when you were about to go in the classroom. The bell rang and all of the RAD students head to their respective classrooms.

" Gah! It's class already, come on. We gonna go before- "

When Mammon was about to run away. He was awaited with Lucifer being in front of him, Lucifer had his arms crossed and his eyes were glowing red. You can tell that he was angry, and both Mammon and Leviathan was in trouble.

" You two, follow me. Both of you already caused enough trouble for today. " Lucifer drags the both of them by the back of their uniform jacket.

" MAMMOOON! " Leviathan shouted with an anger tone in his voice as he looks at Mammon. Mammon chuckled and sweated. " Haha.. " He laughed, sounding a bit nervous.

" You're dead meat to me once we both get out of this! " Leviathan said.

They both then got dragged to Lucifer's office room, obviously getting scolded for an hour from Lucifer. But while they were there with him, class already ended. And you already got out of the class with Both Beel and Belphie.

" Falling for a human " A Mammon x Reader Where stories live. Discover now