" Y/N's first job underground "

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" . . . "

" Mammon . . . "

Y/N's POV:

I couldn't move honestly, Since I'm pinned down onto the ground by Mammon. I wouldn't let out a single word i want to say to him to get off either.. Me and Mammon are still like this for a couple of mins. Now. " I want someone to come in and stop this.. " i said to myself, or else this will become even more awkward. As i said that, i heard a knock on my door and hearing my door creak. I saw someone familiar opening my door and it was Lucifer, " Hey Y/N, Dinners ready- " Lucifer stopped on what he was saying and look at Me and Mammon with a shocked face..well this is bad.. As Lucifer was just standing there, another one of the demon brothere came in. And it was Asmo. " Oh come on!.. " I said to myself, Asmo got shock also but he didn't stood there.

" Ooh!~ What's going on over here? " Asmo said. " Whatt... Mammon pinning Y/n on the ground?! Man..that should be me.. " Asmo said as he sighed. He wanted to be in Mammon's position rn..thank god it wasn't him or else i'm toast. I ain't losing my hecking V - card to a demon.

" Mammon, get off of Y/N this instant. " Lucifer said in a calm, serious way. Mammon got off of me without saying a word. Can't blame him..his probably processing all of this right now. After that, i got up out of the floor and rushes outside my bedroom with pure embarrassment that both brothers, Lucifer and Asmo saw that. Which is hekkin bad. But oh well..atleast it wasn't Levi-

As i said that, Leviathan was at the hallways walking towards me. " Hey Y/N! What happend? I saw Asmo and Lucifer going inside your bedroom. " Leviathan said to me. I made up an excuse..well actually an excuse that is true. " Oh, Lucifer just went to call me for dinner.. And Asmo, i don't even know. Guess he wanted to see me. " I said, that was my excuse. I laughed nervously not saying a single word after that, i don't want Leviathan to know what just happend. That will make things completely awkward. " Hm..ok..well, time to go downstairs. Asmo is on cooking duty today so go call him. I'll bring my meal up to my room.. I don't want to go out just yet. " Leviathan said, I mean i want to also. But i don't think Lucifer would let me eat in my room. Well i kind of don't want to either..i just cleaned my bedroom. But i did what Leviathan said anyways, i quickly rush to my room and call Asmo.

" Asmo, your on cooking duty today. " I said to him. He look behind him and noticed me. Well hi there i guess. " Oh! Well ok... Say Y/N, what happend to you and Mammon just now? Mammon isn't saying a word, there must be something going on with you two! " He said as he looks at me. This is getting creepy..i pushed Asmo away and clear my voice. " No. There's not going on with me and him, a-and besides!..Mammon tripped and fell onto me on accident. It's not like he'll do that on purpose!.. " I said to him as i still blush from embarrassment. Asmo looks at me and laughs. Did any of that i said was even funny? .

" Oh really now? Well okay.. Don't want Leviathan to find out~! " He said to me in a teasing way. I turned red. Maybe because on what Asmo said he was thinking me and Leviathan were together.. " If you're thinking me and Levi are together. You're dumb for that, as i said, me and him are just friends. Nothing else. " (periodt) i said to Asmo. " Yea Yea i know..i was just joking! " Asmo said, well thank god it was a joke. " But y'know..since you aren't taken either with Leviathan or Mammon, why don't we have fun at my room later when dinner is over? Don't worry..i won't hurt you. " Asmo said in a flirtarious way. What was i even expecting? His the Avatar of Lust. I simply decline since he looks like the type of person who would do dirty tricks on me. " No Thanks..i'm going downstairs, you should too also. "

" Falling for a human " A Mammon x Reader Where stories live. Discover now