" First day at RAD "

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Y/N = Your Name

Game called: Obey me! shall we date? ❤️

Now, lets get to it! ❤️

As your eyes were still closed, you felt a strange aura around you all of a sudden. Felt like that your in a dark room. As that strange aura happens, you slowly open your eyes and see 5 demons right infront of you. You got shocked by it and backed away from 5 of them, as you backed away to the wall. You see a darkred-headed demon walking towards you.

" Welcome, exchange student! " he greeted you politely, you look left and right and back at him looking confuse.  " What do you mean..exchange student?.. And..h-how did i got here?! " you said as you felt the stress and pressure going through you. " Well simple, you are an exchange student from the human world and we brought you here. Well, it's a long story on how you got here. " he said as he laughs, him saying it was a long story on how you got here dosen't help with the question you asked him. But you just became silent and said nothing about it otherwise.

" This better be a dream . . . " you said to the darkred-headed demon. " Nope, its definitely not a dream! All you're seeing right now infront of your eyes, are real. " he replied back. " O-Ok then..but...you mentioned me being an exchange student from the human world, why do you guys picked me? " you questioned since there should be a reason why they got you here in the first place.  " Well, we picked you becuase we thought you will be a perfect person to be learning here at RAD " he replied to your question. " H-huh.. I see.. "  ( " not like i would be a good student here that's for sure. " )  you said to yourself.

" Well then, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Diavolo, but you should call me LORD Diavolo since others calls me that around here. " he said to you. " Well..i'm just gonna assume your the lord here so that's why they call you that. " you said to Lord Diavolo as you stand up from the ground.  " That's right, and these 5 over here " he pointed. " Are the ones you will be living with. "  ( " i know that i will be learning here for odd reason but i'm living with them too?! " ) you said to yourself. You couldn't do anything so you just stand there looking at the 5.


" This over here is Beelzebub. " he pointed to the orange ginger hair demon. " He is the avatar of Gluttony, meaning. He can be hungry most of the time. " he said. " Oh, i see..guess me and him have something in common, tho. He looks kind of grumpy " you pointed it out. " Well, he does look grumpy. But his actually nice. " Lord Diavolo said.

You looked at the orange ginger hair demon. He's eating a bag full of chips right now.

" Hey Beel! Stop eating so much chips, its falling onto my hair and i don't want my hair to be smelling like dorritos! " the strawberry - blonde haired demon said. " That right there is Asmodeus, he is the Avatar of Lust! " Diavolo said.

( " Avatar of lust huh?.. Well..this is gonna be interesting yet scary. " ) you said to yourself.

You now look at the other demon, which is the blonde one. You noticed him reading a book at the moment and he dosen't seem to be bothered by this right now..

" That over there is Satan, he is the Avatar of Wrath. " Diavolo said as he point to Satan.

" I see..well, i heard about Satan before but not the others. So i wouldn't be that surprise. " you said as you giggled a bit. Satan looks at you with a glance and said " Is that suppose to be an insult? " he said to you with a anger tone of voice. You gulped since he looks very furious when you said that. " No not rlly, it wasn't suppose to be an insult... " you replied back to him. As you said that, he goes back to reading his book.

" Oh, who's that over there? " you point at the purple haired demon.

" That over there is Leviathan, he is the Avatar of Envy. " Lord Diavolo pointed it out.

Leviathan looks kind of busy at the moment, so you decided not to bother him.

" Now thats all 4 of them..now who's the other one?- " you said, after you said that. You felt a touch on your shoulder at the moment. You look at your shoulder and look up and see a black haired demon looking down on you.  " That would be me, human. " he replied to you. You backed away from him a little since he looks kind of intimmidating to you. " I see..so..what avatar are you suppose to be? " You asked him. " Avatar of Pride. The names Lucifer.  " he said. " I see..well, nice to meet all of you i guess " you said to all 5 of them, but you noticed that theres missing one. You were about to point that out, until Lucifer speaks up.

" My apologies if we are 5 at the moment, the other one is not here. Of course, but the other one name is Mammon, he is the Avatar of Greed. I suggest not going so close to him at the moment. " Lucifer said as he crosses his arms.

( " Well i guess the other one must be a bit bad since he warned me not to be close to him.. " ) 

" Oh yeah, i noticed that you haven't introduced yourself yet, human. You wouldn't mind introducing yourself to us, right? " Lucifer said as he looks down at you.

( " ...Am i that short to you? " )

" Uhm..of course, the names Y/N " you said.

" Very well then Y/N, now as you heard from Lord Diavolo. You will he living with us, our home is the "House of Lamentation", we will be showing you there later. For now, here. " Lucifer handed you something that seemed to look like a phone, you grabbed it off of his hands. " What's this for? " you asked to him. " That's your DDD, or so as you call it "phone". I installed a bunch of apps in there that can be useful for you learning at RAD and apps that can entertain you while you're here. " Lucifer explained.

You looked at your phone and see a bunch of apps, like a online shop called "Akuzon", "Devilgram" , which they usually call it here underground. Chats and other social apps which is assume to be where the demons calls you and chat you.

" Well then..i'm assuming you 5 and the other one are brothers, correct? " you said

" Indeed, guess i don't need to point that out after all. " Lucifer said as he smiles.

" Now then, now that long introduction is over, the 5 demon brothers will be showing you the House of Lamention, i hope you enjoy your stay here, Y/N. " Lord Diavolo said, as he walks away out of the area.

" Guess this will be my new life now huh? "

( Hi! Sorry if this was too long, Mammon will show up on the next page. )

( Part 2 will be coming up soon! ❤️ )

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