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Angel's POV

Everything confuses me now. I thought Hydra was destroyed and yet here I am.

I am back at Hydra. They returned for me. I know I am supposed to feel joy but all I feel is dread. What are they going to force me to do. Before everything, I was happy to obey now I know better. I can't give in. Hydra is evil. I am not.

I can't stay here. I have to escape.

But I have no energy. I'm always so tired. I assume that's why the men in white keep giving me shots. Everytime I get one I fall into a dreamless sleep. I hate it. I've tried to escape so many times now but everytime I have enough energy to move the slightest bit, the men in white rush in and drug me.

When I have the energy to stay awake, all I can do is stare at the silver, metal ceiling or glance at the white walls. Everything about this place screams Hydra. Were the past year fake? Was it all a dream?

I thought I was an Avenger. I thought they were my family now I don't know. The last thing I remember is Tony preparing to shoot me. Did he turn me over to Hydra? Was this all a test? Tears prick my eyes at that thought. I can not be apart of Hydra again, but I don't know if I can be apart of the Avengers either. For now, all I have to do is escape. I can't stay here waiting for Hydra to act. I need to get out. But how?

Everytime I call to my power, I feel it under my skin but I'm unable to release it. No matter how hard I try, it never leaves me. I'm exhausted from each of the attempts and I always drift off without a shot. I don't think I can escape. I'm going to need someone to save me. For once, I can't save myself.

No one will come for me. Steve abandoned me. Tony tried to kill me. Wanda was the one who knocked me out. Natasha stood by and watched, everyone did. I am alone at Hydra. Everything's gone full circle.

How did my life become this?

Tony's POV

I'm going out of my mind. Weeks have passed since everything went down and things are bad. Real bad.

Ross was pissed that Steve, Bucky, and Natasha escape. Steve even managed to break Wanda and Sam out. Ross was pissed over the scandals that occured. We were getting seriously bad press. Steve breaking Barnes out was bad but then Angel attacking innocent reporters and bystanders makes things worse.

He's still deciding what he's going to do with all his shiny new prisoners. I tried to make a case for them but he threatened to put me in one as well. I can't help anyone if I'm locked up too. I managed to get Lang and Barton on house arrest so that they could still be with their families.

The only person left is Angel. Ross is really tight lipped about her. I haven't heard anything. I've had FRIDAY try to find her but wherever she is is off the books. I know nothing and its killing me. The only way I can keep going is by knowing she's alive and safe. I just hope she's getting the help she needs.

Ross has promised to realse her into my custody as long as I stay in line but its getting old real fast. I'm worried about her even if no one else is. Everyone has moved on with their lives. Steve wrote me a letter explaining everything. He left me a phone if I ever need him and told me to do good by Angel. He made it clear Angel should stay with me. He says she deserves better than to be on the run but I think he can't bring himself to face her.

He feels guilty he supported Barnes even though all evidence pointed to him being her killer. Then when she returned, he chose Barnes and the mission again. He's probably scared of her reaction. I can't worry about that. Angel is going to need someone and that someone is going to be me.

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