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The building shakes as I struggle to hold it in place. Everyone one is screaming and running, trying to escape. Glass and debris flies straight at all of them. I throw my power at it, stopping it in mid-air. I hear T'Challa scream, running towards his father. I guess his fathers body would be more accurate. I wasn't able to save him.

No. I can not dwell on that now. I must save everyone. I turn to Natasha who looks at me worried.

"Get them out." She nods in understanding before running off to direct people out.

The structure of the building starts to fail. I wrap my power tightly around it trying to prevent its collapse. The ceiling starts to go down and I throw more of my power up to stop it. Sweat pours down my face. This is much harder than the weights in the training room. Minutes pass before fatigue sets in.

Please hurry Natasha. I can't do this much longer. I sent the last of the power I have left to search the building for anyone remaining. I feel as though nearly everyone is out of the building. No. Scratch that. Everyone is out of the building except one person. I sense them spriting up the stairs. I look helplessly at the door as Natasha walks in.


"The building seems to be held up by some sort of silver-colored energy. Sources at the police state they have no clue what it is."

"UN ambassadors have been evacuated from the building. No sign of Avenger Natasha Romanoff or the child who accompanied her on the way in. Sources speculate the child is behind the silver energy."

"A silver energy appears to be holding up the building. The building was surrounded by silver energy no more than 10 minutes ago. 9 minutes ago a bomb exploded. There is no word on who or what is behind the energy nor the attack."

"Something has just exited the building through the window! It is wrapped in silver energy! I repeat something wrapped in silver energy- The building is going down!"

Angel's POV

-a minute earlier-

My control is slipping away. Natasha sprints towards me trying to grab me but once again pulls away from the shock of energy.

"Angel! Come on! We have to leave!"

"The second I stop, the building goes down," I struggle to say. My uniform sticks tightly to my body from the sweat.

"We can make it!" She begs. But Natasha knows the truth just as much as I do. I realized it as soon as the building started to collapse.

"No! We can't! You can!"

"I won't leave without you!"

"Yes you will!" I take a shaky breath. Little black dots scatter throughout my vision. "I'm sorry."

I release my power and send anything I can to Natasha. I wrap her up in it and throw her out the window. Just before I pass out, I see Natasha go through the floating debris and drop down. My head slams against the floor and the world disappears... forever.

3rd Person POV

Natasha falls to the ground with a thud but she takes no damage due to Angel's protection. She stands instantly rushing towards the collapsing building. T'Challa grabs her, holding her back as the building settles into rubble.

"Nooooooo!" Natasha screams as tears fall from her face. The dust flows through the crowd of reporters, police, and ambassadors. The second it's settled, Natasha breaks free and runs over, searching for the young girl. She looks for a minute before turning around and barking out orders. "Someone get me a phone!" A reporter rushes over and hands her a phone. She opens it and instantly starts calling Tony. He picks up immediately. "Tony, its Angel. She's in the rubble."

"I'm on my way."

Steve's POV

I was able to find Sharon so that we could catch up. Now we are walking towards a hotel discussing Peggy.

"My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but, um, not Aunt Peggy. She bought me my first thigh holster," Sharon says. A small laugh escapes my lips.

"Very practical," I tell her.

"And stylish." We walk over towards the elevator and Sharon pushes the button.

"CIA has you stationed over here now?" I ask.

"In Berlin, Joint Terrorism Task Force," Sharon informs me.

"Right. Right. Sounds fun." My lack of enthusiasm over this has Sharon smiling.

"I know, right?" I nod and smile before taking the conversation to a not as upbeat place.

"I've been meaning to ask you. When you were spying on me from across the hall..."

"You mean when I was doing my job," Sharon says, smirking slightly. I take a breath.

"Did Peggy know?"

"She kept so many secrets. I didn't want her to have one from you." The elevator dings, alerting us of its arrival. "Thanks for walking me back."

"Sure." Sharon's eyes narrow behind me and I glance over to see Sam sprinting over.

"Steve. There's something you gotta see." He leads Sharon and I to the TVs above the bar.

"A bomb hidden in a news van..." A news anchor reports.

"Who's coordinating?" Sharon asks, whipping out her phone and makes a call.

"... ripped through the UN building in Vienna," the news anchor continues.

"Good. They're solid. Forensics?" Sharon speaks rapidly into her phone.

"More than 50 people have been injured to some degree. At least 7 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. It is suspected now the young girl accompanying Natasha Rmanoff is behind the silver energy that appeared to surround the building moments before the explosion. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations. There is no word yet if the girl is connected to Barnes."

"Shit," I whisper. Angel could be in trouble. Sharon says a few more words but I don't register them. Angel could be in trouble. I shouldn't have left her.


This chapter is definitely a crazy one. I don't normally want to skip around POVs like that but I wasn't sure how else to demonstrate the craziness of the attack and incorporate Steve's POV. 

Anyways, do you think Angel is going to be ok?

Oh, and a warning for the future, I've considered how to kill off each of my characters from all of my stories. For some reason, I feel like death is a great motivation and I have no issues going off script. I haven't before but who knows...

Angel and the Civil WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon