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Steve and Sam left almost immediately. Steve mentioned something to Natasha about seeing her later at a funeral. Neither he nor Sam spoke to anyone else. I didn't know where to go. I could go to anyone in the compound but my favorite person wasn't there. I betrayed him. I ended up in the training room.

I spent hours practicing different moves and firing with my power. I am absolutely exhausted but I won't stop. Whenever Steve was upset he would often go to the gym and train. I face the wall of weights, made specially for Wanda and I. I raise my arms as my powers flow out once more. I lift the set 3 times before pausing. 5 tons of metal is definitely not easy to lift. I go to lift more as sweat pours down my face.

My white training suit sticks to my body. It really is a good suit. The white of my suit is made of a material called uru. Tony got some from Thor. Basically it absorbs my magic just enough to prevent me from destroying it. The silver stripe up my side is made of a flexible vibranium fabric. I don't really know why it's there, though. My guess is Tony thought it looked good. That's how most of the Avengers suits are designed. I groan as I lift the weights up again.

"It won't kill you to take a break," I hear Tony say. Startled, I drop the weights with a loud bang. I turn and see Tony rub his ears.

"What do you want?"

"I came to see how you are... clearly I should have checked in hours ago," he says gesturing to the sweat pouring out of me.

"If I say I'm fine will you go away?"

"Only if I believe you."

"Then I'm fine," I snap. I turn to the weights again but Tony grabs my shoulder gently to stop me.

"See, I don't believe you."

"I don't care. Leave."

"No. Today was a lot to take in for anyone, let alone a kid. It got me thinking. I haven't been the best to you. I should have been more understanding when we first met, and not-"

"Try to shoot me," I answer. Tony rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah. I shouldn't have pushed for you to be sent away. I should have pushed for you to have a childhood. I guess, I guess I should be apologizing."

"So then do it." He scowls, but I can see the amusement in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Look at that, Tony Stark apologizing twice in one day. Ha."

"I looked at my life and didn't like all that I saw."

"Billionare, philanthropist, playboy?" I ask skeptically.

"Not that," Tony says with a smile. "That all's pretty damn good."

"Then whats not good?" Tony always seems so sure of himself, never doubting himself for a second. Is he truly not happy with his life?

"I'm alone," is all he says. He walks over to the fridge and grabs a water. He tosses it to me. I take a sip slowly. "I caused so much pain in this world. All I want to is to make it right. This is how." Walking towards me once more, he looks into my eyes as I take another sip. "I was sure you would go with Steve. Why didn't you?"

""The Avengers should not be lawless and without boundaries. We've... we've all hurt people. We- I need to make up for that."

"I never told you this, Angel, but I should have." He takes a deep breath. "I placed the guilt I felt over Ultron onto you. I shouldn't have. Nothing that happened in Sokovia was your fault. Not one thing. I'm sorry." I don't know what to say.

I think Tony understands because he puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into an awkward one-armed hug. I chuckle at the weirdness of it before I wrap my arms around him. He moves his other arm around me as I start to cry into his chest. He strokes my back just as Steve used to do. That thought only makes me cry harder and Tony just holds me. After a minute or two Tony pulls me off of him. He pats my back before straightening his clothes.

"Crying won't change anything. It won't bring back Steve or Sam. They made their choice just like you made yours." I sniffle a few times. "Do you want to go with them? I can track them down and take you to them." I shake my head as the tears on my cheek stop coming down. "Then lets talk business."

I wipe any last tears away from my face and cross my arms over my chest. Tony is right. I've learned he's right much more than I originally thought. Steve made his choice and I made mine. Crying will change nothing.

"The signing of the accords is in three days. Natasha is going. I want you to go as well." I've never had much of a role in the Avengers. The public barely knows of my existence. In an effort to protect my privacy, Tony had FRIDAY scrub my existence from the internet. Anyone who took a video or picture of me would suddenly find it deleted. As far as the public knows, there are rumors of a girl fighting in Sokovia but no proof. Tony must see my surprise and confusion because he starts to explain. "You'll be in uniform, of course. But I think it will be good for the world to see the next generation of heroes begin. Think it over and just let me know by tomorrow afternoon." I nod slowly. Tony turns to leave. Just as he is leaving he calls out to me. "Take a shower, Angel. You stink." He exits.

I sniff the sleeve of my shirt before laughing to myself. I really do stink.

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