James x Reader

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A/n: Y/n loves James but she thinks he likes Lily. But little does she know James loves her too.


Why am I so in love with someone I can never have? I have been in love with the one and only James Potter ever since first year. But he loves Lily Evans.

Lily knows that I love James and that's why she says no to him everyday. Plus she loves Severus Snape. Why you may ask? I really don't know. But she knows about my crush, and she is the only one who knows.

It is so hard to watch the guy you love ask someone else out. It breaks me apart everyday. Everyday, my heart breaks more and more.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the marauders entering the common room. I look up and see them all laughing. Just then, Lily comes down. As soon as James sees her, he walks over to her. I roll my eyes and sigh, sinking deeper into the couch trying to go unnoticed. But Remus and Lily noticed me.

I sit up when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me to see James and Lily talking. The only part that I hear of their conversation is one response from each of them.

"Come on, Evans. One date?" James asked Lily. I rolled my eyes knowing the answer.

"For the last time, James, no. Oh, hey Y/n," Lily says when she notices me. I give her a small smile and stand up. "Wanna come to Hosgmede with us?" Lily asked me.

"Fine." I said. Then we started to walk out of the common room. As we walk through Hosgmede with snow on the ground, James swings an arm over Lily's shoulder and she doesn't do anything. My heart sinks. My best friends just betrayed me. Apparently my pain was noticeable because Remus then throws a snowball and it hits James eight in the back of the head.

James jolts around and snaps his head to Remus. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL MATE?!" James yells at Remus. Then another snowball is thrown and hits James. But that one was thrown by sirius. Next thing I know it is a full on snowball fight. Just as a snowball is about to hit me, it is blocked by James and he drags me behind a tree.

Next thing I know, James has me pinned to a tree hiding from the others under his cloak of invisibility that he brought. My cheeks heated up but luckily he was looking away. Then I hear him whisper something.

"I just want them to go away so I can kiss you." he whispers. But me not believing I heard right shakes the thought away. He turns back to me and smiles. Then he starts to lean in as if he is going to kiss me. Me over thinking, got out of his grasp and ran towards hogwarts.

I don't care if he meant it. I can't deal with him right now. I ran up to the castle, down the hall, and into my dorm.

I throw myself on my bed, pull my knees up to my chest, hug them and bury my face in between them. Tears stream down my face as I just sob.

About five minutes later, there is a knock at the door.

"GO AWAY JAMES!" I yell at the door. I continue to cry as the door opens. I look up and see Lily. She sits by me and looks at me with concern.

"Why did you run away? You know he likes you too." Lily tells me.

"Yeah, I don't know that because for the longest time it has seemed like he loves you. I don't want to be a rebound. Or a joke. Or a mistake. I want to be something real with him but HE LOVES YOU AND I CAN'T HAVE HIM!" I yell, making Lily jump back a little. I put my head in my hands and continue to sob. Lily gets up and leaves the dorm as I continue to cry.

Third Person POV

Lily walked out of the dorm and met the four boys at the bottom of the stairs.

"She thinks that James has loved me the entire time. She doesn't want to be a joke, or a mistake to him or anyone else. Y/n wants something real with James but she thinks that that can't happen because she thinks that he loves me which is not true." Lily said, taking a deep breath and a small pause before continuing. "So, James, GO TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL AND MAKE HER BELIEVE IT BECAUSE I AM SICK OF YOU COMPLAINING THAT SHE NEVER SHOWS INTEREST! SHE STARES AT YOU EVERYDAY! EVERYTIME THAT YOU ARE NOT LOOKING! HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS CAN SHE GET?! SHE SMILES AT YOU EVERYDAY! BUT THEN HER SMILE DROPS WHEN YOU ASK ME OUT! SO GO CAN EXPLAIN OR I WILL MAKE YOU CHUG AN ENTIRE BOTTLE OF TRUTH SERUM!" Lily yells at the marauders, mainly James Potter. James, scared out of his mind, nods and walks up the girls dorm's stairs after Lily took the spell off temporarily.

When he made it to the dorm, he knocked. All he heard was sobs from the other side. Instead of waiting for an answer, he walks into the room. When he does he sees Y/n with her knees pulled up to her chest and her sobbing into them.

James POV

I see Y/n curled up on her bed crying because of me. I should have gone after her instead of trying to make her jealous. WHY AM I SO STUPID?!

As I curse myself in my head, I walk over to Y/n and sit by her. She looks up at me with her tear stained face.

"What do you want?" she asks me in a raspy voice.

"I meant what I tried to do earlier. I only went after Lily to make you jealous. But I really like you, Y/n. I have feelings for you. I love-" I start to say but she interrupts me.

"NO! You love Lily. There is no way that you would ever love me but I can't help loving you! I try to stop but I can't and I don't know why?!" Y/n tells me in a stern voice. She starts to look around frantically when I take both of her hands and make her look at me.

"I. Love. You, Y/n. Not Lily. You. I have ever since first year." I tell her in a kind voice.


After James told me that. I kissed him. And he kissed me back. He pushes me back onto the bed so that he is hovering over me. But the need for air becomes too great and I pull away.

"Do you really love me?" I ask James.

"I love you now and I will till the end of time." He responds.

I smile. "I love you, James." I said to James. He leans down and the kiss turns into more.

Ten years later

"Henry! Kya! Max! Lila! Time to go!" I yell upstairs.

As I see my children run down, I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I feel the hot breath of James on my neck and I smile. He kisses my neck and whispers to me.

"Ready to go, love?" James whispers in his lovely voice, to me.

"Of course. I love you, James," I said to him as we walked out the door with our four children.

"And I love you, Y/n." he responds, giving me a kiss on the lips as our children 'ewed' at us. "Oh, go on before I lock you up inside." James threatens jokingly after we pull away from the kiss. The children run to the car and hop inside as me and James laugh. He pulls me to his side. As we walk to the car, James' hand on my waist.

A/n: And they lived a happy life. No Voldemort in this story!

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