Jennie had admitted defeat after three months of surveillance yielded no results and resigned herself to half-heartedly scolding her promiscuous teammate every morning.

"Out," Jisoo groaned as she rolled out of bed, pulling the sheet with her. The dude—she didn't even know his name, but he was endowed quite nicely—blinked awake, disoriented by the abrupt dismissal.


"Get out and take your clothes with you," Jisoo ordered shortly, throwing his clothes in his face, "I don't do laundry."

"Wait, can we talk about last—"

"No time. Out."


Jisoo opened the door and pointed. "Out."

With the guy dismissed, Jisoo went to the closet, wondering which pair of stilettos she could wear today. She lit up her first cigarette of the day to help her decide.


"Yeri?" Jennie called as she opened the door. Immediately her eyes were assaulted by a wave of pink.

Yeri's room looked like Barbie had vomited pink everywhere: the ceiling, the carpet, the walls, the curtains, the furniture, everything was in some shade of pink.

Jennie always felt like she stepped into a six-year old's wonderland when she opened Yeri's door.

The only signs that this was in fact a college dorm room were the numerous cat posters and pictures of bands hanging from the walls and all sorts of memorabilia, souvenirs and trinkets that Yeri had collected over the years from their missions abroad which provided a welcome break on the eyes from all the pink.

The only other non-pink thing in the room was Yeri herself, already neatly decked out in a white blouse, blue plaid skirt, knee-high socks and buckle shoes with a new cashmere sweater draped across her shoulder that she probably pilfered from Target.

Old habits die hard but as long as she wasn't caught, Jennie didn't think it was her business to stop her.

Yeri did always get her something nice for Christmas, courtesy of her master thief skills, so it benefited Jennie to turn a blind eye.

"Five minutes and we move out," Jennie said.

"Have you seen my gun?" Yeri asked frantically as she ransacked her drawers, throwing out clothes. "I can't find it. I can't remember what I did with it!"

"What am I, your mother? Why do you keep misplacing it? It's a gun, not a toy," Jennie scoffed before she sighed. "Have you checked the laundry basket?"

"Damn it." Yeri quickly scrambled to follow Jennie's suggestion, flinging dirty clothes out of her hamper before triumphantly coming up with her favourite gun still stuck in yesterday's jeans.

"Got it!"


The cordless phone in the hall rang over Mr Teddy's continuous shouting and Jennie picked up.

"D.E.B.S., Jennie here."

"I need to talk with Rosie."

Recognising the male voice, Jennie suppressed an eye roll and hollered down the corridor.

"Rosie, it's for you, pick up! You got less than a minute!"

She hurried to her own bedroom to throw on her uniform and grab her bag, already prepared the night before.


In her sea-blue bedroom with medals and trophies adorning every shelf, Park Chaeyoung picked up the phone on the bedside table midway through pulling over her shirt, already dreading talking to the person on the other end.

D.E.B.S (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now