“Ahhhh thank you...how did you know?” 

“I guessed you would need it. I'm right.” 

Jenny smiles. She feels bliss.  It felt so good. Jacob knew how to massage. It was so great. 

“Okay! I'm done!” Jacob takes his hands off and Jenny sits up. She looks back at him and smiles dreamily. 

“Thank you so much! It was amazing!”

Jacob smiles.

“You're welcome!”

“How did you learn this?! You have to teach me!” 

“Ava used to do this for me. And she taught me. I'll teach you someday.”

Jenny nods. She then looks at her reflection in the mirror. She looked so much better. It was good she could forget her problems as long as she was here. She looks at her coffee mug. The coffee turned cold.

“Let me heat it.” Jacob takes both their mugs and keeps it in the microwave.

“You know, you have a unique way of making black coffee...and it tastes so good!” 

“Thank you! This is a family tradition. It's been going on for ages!” He smiles, but that smile was fake. Unlike his beautiful, natural ones. Jenny could tell. She was a master in it. She didn't want to ask him though. She can't do that. They're just friends. Maybe she'll ask later.

“Here” He hands her her now heated mug and looks at the time.


“Ahh we have five minutes before our day starts! Let's finish this quickly!” Jenny exclaims as she sips her coffee, fast.

“No no! Don't drink too fast! You'll burn your tongue, silly! Let's take our time.” Jacob pats her head and laughs, Jenny joining along with him.

From the other end of the lounge, Jasper and Jeffrey smile as they look at both of them having fun. At Least, Jenny could be happy here.


It was evening and Jenny already left home. Jacob slowly finishes sweeping the floor and throws the dust in the trash bin outside. He then turns off the lights, locks the front door and goes to the lounge. He finds it clean. He smiles. After Jenny has been here, she manages to keep this place clean. 

He checks the cabinets in the mini kitchen. It's empty. He makes a mental note to fill it up with snacks and things they'd need. He'll have to ask Ava for cash. He nods as he closes the cabinets and takes off his apron. He hangs it on the hanger and takes his bag. He takes his earphones out and connects them to his phone as he turns off the lights. He then puts them in his ear and walks out. He locks the back door. 

He checks if the door is locked again and then starts walking to Ava's house. Ava's house wasn't far from the shop. He just had to walk for five minutes. Soon, he reached Ava's cozy house. It was a one floor house. There was a pretty little garden outside and in it grew flowers and a few vegetables. He didn't have to knock. He opens the front door and walks inside. 

The house had a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. It was perfect for a person or a young couple. The walls were a bright green and there were pictures of Ava. Of her childhood and the places she travelled. Ava had an amazing life. She lived her best. 

“Ahh Jacob! Right in time for dinner! Come wash your hands! I've prepared chicken!”

“Ava, I told you not to prepare dinner for me! What if I didn't come? Huh?” He says as he washes his hands in the kitchen. He then smiles as he sits at the dining table. It was a table for three people but only Ava and he had dinner together. Mostly Ava.

“I knew you'd come today.” She says as she sets his plate in front of him and takes her seat beside him.

“Yeah.. I need cash...I need to stock up on snacks and food.” 

“I'll give you. Let me know again before you leave.” 

“Okay!” he moans in delight as he eats the chicken. Ava was an amazing cook. 

“How's work? How was Jenny?”

“She's good! I don't have any problems with her. But she wonders why you don't come to the store nowadays. Why don't you come, Ava? It's been four days! You haven't stayed away from work like this.” Jacob asks worriedly.

“Don't you worry my boy. I'll come soon. Just a little tired. That's it.”

“Okay!” Jacob eats, the chicken distracting him from the look on Ava's face. She couldn't tell him. Not yet. But he has to know. Soon.



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