Chapter Six

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Kit bashed his side against the carrier door, yowling loudly. Shouta sunk his chin lower into his scarf - a normal one, he couldn't wear his support gear all the time despite wishing too - in embarrassment, sighing as he poked into the bars, yanking it out before the claws struck him.

"Come on Kit, you're riling yourself up."

There was a few chuckles throughout the waiting room as Kit yowled louder, the whole carrier shaking on Shouta's lap. He sighed, placing his hands on the sides and closing his eyes, trying to avoid meeting people's eyes.

It had been a few months since Kit's last visit, and he'd been scheduled in for a check-up of his health and his shots. It was going to be a difficult day for the kitten and Shouta by default. 

"Aizawa." He peered an eye open, seeing the receptionist smile, and stood, moving to the marked room. Kit's shrieking had become more quiet, the weight shifting to the back as he presumably hid under the blanket.

It always struck Shouta how oddly human Kit seemed.

"Ah! Mr Aizawa, has little - I didn't catch his name last time, how odd." Shouta shook his head, putting the carrier on the table and shook his head.

"Kit. Only recently named him."

Nodding, the vet moved to eye level of the carrier. "Hey Kit, you gonna put up a fight again, eh?" He laughed lightly, and Shouta sighed in remorse, opening the carrier. Once again the kitten tried to run the opposite way, but the Hero caught him, lifting him by his middle and into his chest.

Kit screamed, trying to fight and clawing with desperation. A women walked in, an intern by the looks.

"Melanie has a sedation Quirk specifically for animals - it'll calm him down and make him sleepy. If that's okay?" 

Nodding, Shouta held the kitten back from attacking the nurse as she cooed softly, running her fingers through his fur and scratching his ears. His eyes met hers and both had a small gold flash in their eyes, Kit's resistance suddenly stopping as his head dropped onto Shouta's chest.

He laughed, thanking the intern who smiled softly. "He's adorable." Shouta greed. 

"Alright, do you think you could hold him up so I can check his health?" 


"I know."

Kit yowled loudly again, rubbing his back - and mostly the scruff - on the floor and hissing as Shouta walked past. Most cats handled their shots well, but the vet said Kit might struggle a little more, since he was still unhealthily small.

Shouta put the bowl on the floor - kitten pebbles mixed in with a small, cat friendly, portion of Katsudon - and pushed it towards him. Apparently the feline was fond of it.  

He rolled onto his front, pushing back against the wall slightly - the coffee table had been moved and Kit retook his spot beneath it - and glared.

Shouta sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry. But you don't need anymore shots. There you go, eat up." Pushing back to sit on the sofa, Shouta found his mind wondering.

The chances of the little boy - Izuku Midoriya - being found were so agonisingly low. It just wasn't right. He'd be so angry when they called the case cold, so pissed off he'd failed. He had been barely an child, still a baby in many eyes, and he'd barely starting living. 

Apparently the kid was destined to be Quirkless - it ran in his family and he'd already been bullied for it. It was unfortunate to say, but the kid didn't have a chance. Sighing, his eyes moved to Kit.

He'd probably lived on the streets for the two and a half years Midoriya had been missing, constantly going back to where he had previously lived in hope.

Poor kid. Poor Kitten.

He hadn't realised he had fallen asleep until his eyes fluttered back open, body aching slightly. There was a pressure on his chest and neck, and he looked down to see Kit fast asleep, curled on his torso and head resting in the crook of Shouta's throat.

He smiled, placing a gentle hand on Kit's back and sighing in contempt. 


"You have to stay here." 

Kit yowled, pawing Shouta's leg, claws buried deep in the material of his Hero costume. Shouta shook his head.

"No, it's Hero work. You'll distract me."

Kit yowled again and Shouta scooped him up, holding him eye level and raising an eyebrow. 

"If you come, you have to stay quiet. It's been pretty quiet the past few nights but it doesn't mean it's safe."

Kit squirmed, yapping and putting a paw on Shouta's nose.

The Hero tucked him into the capture weapon, heading out.

If he knew what would happen - he would have left the Kitten home.

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