Chapter Eighteen

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When Essie woke, the sun was shining brightly. It was her birthday she realised, she was 12, and last night had been epic.
"Up sleepyhead, it's your birthday" said Amelia, who had been awake for ages now. Essie got up and when she went into the kitchen, there was the party she'd hoped for, with everyone smiling and saying "happy birthday Essie".
She was starving, and soon had eaten her fill of every bit of the party fare that had been prepared including a magnificent sponge birthday cake.
After she'd opened her gifts from everyone (even Seb had given her a diary to write her thoughts in, with a lock which was pretty cool she thought) she sat back and thought about what had happened. Quite a lot really, and she still was not sure if she knew exactly what she had done, only that she was glad it was over.
She asked "Are we safe now, will this happen again, and are you going to be safe...Gran? Can I call you Gran, I like Gran?"
Esmeralda smiled at her and replied "Of course you can Essie, and I think you have hit upon the perfect solution here. You have bought up the happiest parts of most people's lives, the happiest days, and made them part of the people who had perhaps forgotten those happy days. You have made them remember, and in doing so, you have changed their focus back towards good.
I don't think you will have to worry again. Any time either you or I sense danger, or something not quite right, then all we will need to do is re inforce those happy feelings for them again." Essie was impressed, did she really do all that?
Amelia said "I think you are a hero Essie, I don't really know what you did, or how you did it, but you must be a hero if you saved everyone". Everyone laughed, and Essie blushed right to the roots of her red and fiery hair.
Esmeralda then turned to Amelia. "Amelia" she said, "I think it is time that Essie and I put our gifts towards helping you, and finding out the best way to do this." Amelia smiled sadly and said "I hope you can help find my mum."
Essie and Esmeralda put their hands together again and concentrated on Amelia. A picture came to Essie and she looked at her Grandmother. "Yes, I see it too Essie" Esmeralda said softly. What they saw was not encouraging.
They both could see Alice, Amelia's mother, looking happy and relaxed. At a party possibly because she was wearing a pretty dress. Try as they might, neither of them could feel any sort of concern about Amelia coming from Alice. How could they tell Amelia this?
Instead Esmeralda looked at Amelia and said.
"My dear child, what a burden you have had to carry for so long on your own. How brave you have been. I can feel your sorrow at losing your dad, and the confusion, worry and sadness you are feeling now."
Amelia's eyes started to well up with tears, and Essie sat closer to Amelia on the couch, next to Esmeralda. They both put an arm around her shoulders.

Esmeralda went on to say "Amelia, you cannot carry this alone any more. We can help you, although it may not be the ideal you were wishing for.
Your mother won't be home yet, and that is no fault of yours, you have done nothing wrong. It is something in Alice, something she will have to deal with eventually, because she is yet to understand that she is hurting you."
"I can feel that she is quite safe, and she will return, but not yet. You need to have a safe and loving home. Your dad would want this for you more than anything."
Esmeralda looked intently at Amelia and said, "One day Amelia, your mother will realize what an amazing daughter she has, your dad always knew."
Esmeralda told Amelia that she had spent some time in her research room and had found few details of her family. Did Amelia know any of her other family?
Amelia replied that her mother's family didn't really live anywhere, they travelled around on a boat, and they never saw them much at all.
"There was my Nan, we used to see her a lot, but we moved here and now I don't know how to find her." Amelia looked sad again, as she thought of this. "I miss her a lot."
Esmeralda and Essie concentrated again after hearing this, both trying to focus on Amelia, and her Nan. And then Essie could feel it. As she concentrated, she could feel that Amelia was being surrounded by love, some concern as well, but waves and waves of love, and someone was saying her name, over and over.
"Amelia, I think I can hear your Nan, she is calling you, I am sure it is her." said Essie, excitedly.
"Yes" added Esmeralda "I am certain also, I feel she's been looking for you for some time, I think she would be very happy to find you again. Shall we find her for you Amelia?"
Amelia nodded. "I miss her but mum said she didn't want to see us any more after we lost daddy."
Essie's mum added, "You can stay with us, no matter what, and for as long as you like, but we can find your Nan, if you want."
Amelia nodded with tears in her eyes, and said "Thank you, I would like that."
Essie beamed, a perfect solution, she thought. Amelia needed to have someone to love her and to be there for her, she knew that. It's what everyone wanted really.

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