XXXI. Then You Look at Me

Start from the beginning

Song xuan ren run to his horse and bring some packing stuff and place on the table

“Here try this, it’s delicious”

Bai Feng Jiu get a bite and indeed it is tasty “ It’s really tasty highness”

“Stop call me Highness when no one around”

“Then what should I address you then?”

“You can call me ge ge *“

Bai Feng Jiu mind in rustic rather it’s polite to address highness with Ge ge.

“I think I prefer call you highness. When you don’t know it’s alright but when you know it’s better not”

“Highness pardon my rudeness. Why would you trouble yourself to stay here? I think you are not compatible with this style of living”

“What else? Because I’m falling in love with you at the first sight”

Hearing those words make Bai Feng Jiu face blushing

“How can it be? “

“I don’t know would you believe me or not, but I have been dreaming of you since I was a little boy. In my dream there is someone waiting for me. I can’t see her face clearly but one things is very clear “ He pointed his finger to Bai Feng Jiu birthmark “this phoenix flower appears “

“You had dreamed of me since your are a kid?”

“Yes and this mark appears so vivid that when I first saw it, my heart skip a beat”

“Do you remember anything else in your dream?”

“Nothing particular”

“ I see.. if you want to stay here than I don’t have a right to say no. Make your self comfortable Highness.”

When the night darken, Song Xuan Ren is taking a stroll near the cave just to relax his mind from this rustic heartbeat. When he hears horses step get closer and closer. He quickly get back to the cave to warn xiao jiu. But being ready Bai Feng Jiu materialize her sword and walk out the cave, she give Highness a hint to hide before make sure what happening.

She walks out the cave and meet more than ten people in their black suit with their face mask and bring with them the killer aura.

“Who are you ? In what purpose you all come in the middle of the night?”

“We don’t have anything to do with you miss, the person we are looking is someone inside your place. Hand him to us and I assure you are not getting hurt.”

“Base on what shall I give what you want. If you have that capability than why don’t you try to get it yourself”

The first in command release the words, and others moving to start to attack Xiao Jiu. First only two of them try to take her down, but only with one movement two of the big guys fall in the floor, so quickly they all start to attack together, with movement smooth like water but fight strong like waterfall, she put them down in a minute. No matter how strong they are, in her eyes their movement is predictable.

But the first in command doesn’t give up so easily, when he see an opportunity he try to attack xiao jiu in her blind spot, but this being caught by Song Xuan Ren who runs and fight the man instead.

The fight get more intense and when the opposite use a trick he get one of poison dragger aiming towards Song Xuan Ren, while he able to dodge the attack but the dagger still able to slice his arm , seeing this xiao jiu aim her swords straight to the man, and able to make them retreat.

Running towards Song xuan ren, and seeing the cut Bai Feng Jiu hurry take him run inside the cave and get herbs that can neutralized the poison, She works fast to make the herbal to stop the poison from spreading. When she roll the sleeve and seeing the wound she work in point to cut off the poison area and when it’s all clear she clean the wound and apply the herbs that she make.

Even after the worse have been preventive but that night Song Xuan Ren still having a nightmare. The poison only slight of entering his blood but still bring fever to his body, and with that he falls into the dream where he can see someone with Silver hair and wearing purple walks hand in hand with Phoenix flower Goddess  

In his dream he can see how The Silver deity adore his Goddess, he try to get closer to see their face but only happen hearing someone calling his name from a far. When he turns around he can see Xiao Jiu is calling his name. Even in his curious state he still turn back to the light and open his eyes

“Highness, Highness are you alright?”

“Yes I’m okay. What happening?”

“You have been poison, but I already clean the wound. It should be no problem now. Don’t worry”

“Thank You”

“Do you know who are those people attacking you?”

“No, I don’t have any idea who they are. Is Jing Ti coming back already?”

“Not yet. Hope there is nothing bad happen to your man”

“Don’t worry. He is the best fighter in our Kingdom.”

“Here, I make some soup to nourish your energy. You are so weak right now. “

“Why don’t you spoon it for me? I think my hand have no power “

After thinking for a while she finally nod her head.

“Sure. Here you are”

Feng jiu spoon feed Song Xuan Ren and then help him to sleep. While she is heading out enjoy the moonshine.

At this moment she remembers her lover Donghua Dijun. Even how similar Song xuan ren with Donghua Dijun, but she still can’t believe so easily Song Xuan Ren is Donghua Dijun. She hands out her bronze mirror and tries to reach Donghua Dijun. But the longing have no respond.

Maybe he is busy. Donghua I miss you so much

* ge ge means older brother

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