23. Knowing him

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*Warnings is in Author's note yet, I do not wish to defame or look down upon any cultural or ethnic background.

*Take note of POV changes.

*Bolt Rig - A camera stand that moves along the actor's or the focused object's movent. Mostly used in dance MV's.


Story till now - Arthit and Phi Kong return home from the cafe 'safe and sound' for Arthit's Driving. Arthit is almost forgotten about what happened until Kongpob (his alter) asks him. He breaks down to him, as they share some heartwarming moments. The tension is evident. And Art has started noticing Kongpob more and more. With the story behind Arthit/Krist Perawat's fall is yet to be revealed. Will Arthit notice he had been opening his heart to an unknown alter.

. . .



Closing the door, I put a hand on my chest feeling the thundering beats. I shut my eyes tight, clenching the fabric of my tee. 'GODDAMIT HEART' Clam Down. 

Phi Kong is a man of depth. Just when I thought this person could not be any more amazing. His thoughtfulness, his anger, it's...

Closing my eyes, I take deep breaths calming my thoughts. If I ever believed that there is no such thing as perfection in humankind. Then I was wrong. Legit wrong.....Ugggh Brain... Stop it. I take a few more breaths before I take the quilt and head towards the living room.

" . . . "

I glanced at his peaceful face as phi Kong lied across the floor with his face on it.

I walked close quietly, careful not to wake him. There was a knocked over beanie. He was lying on that earlier.

Pfft! So he fell asleep. I mean he literally fell down, and he slept right there! And I thought I closed the door hard.  ConI walk over to him and try to nudge him awake. 'He just got drenched, had a shower and now sleeping inherited floor he will catch like this.'

"phi, sleep on the bed you will be cold." 

Mmm. He groaned frowning. I laughed internally at this drooling senior as I sneaked my phone from the table nearby. 'This calls for photos'. This ain't an opportunity to miss.  After I have snapped many as my heart desires. I mean I need to sneak photos for the fan club.

 "Phiii" I try to wake him up again shaking him lightly and reluctantly, to get him to bed. 'Aargh he looks o cute right now, I don't wanna, but I need to.'

God! This is a big baby. I sighed as I put my arms across him lifting him like in bridal style carrying him to his bed.

'Whoop he sure is heavy'. I dropped him on the bed a bit too hard as I wrapped him in the duvet. Mmhmm, he groaned in complaint as he frowned mumbling something.

"Seriously you are complaining, you needed to see how I managed to get past that door lock you put with a big rock as tou on my arms, "I mumble as I sat beside the bed squinting my eyes playfully at the sleeping beast. No, he is beauty for sure!

The thunder rumbles! lighting the dim room with flashes. Phi shudders with his eyes still closed as he pulls me in, wrapping his arms.

"Ma_e! Do_n't  g_o" He whispers as his breathing rages.




His strong arms wrapped my body, our breaths mingle just too close to tell the air apart. I blink, registering the shock as I take in deep breaths trying to de-freeze my heart. I try to wriggle out. 'He is too hot'. I quietly put a pillow in my place as I sit on the edge of the bed turning away from him. My face flushed. I can tell even without looking mirror. I gulp as I look back at Phi. He is frowning. Is he dreaming? It seems more like a nightmare. I reach to ease up his frowns. Is it me or he is really hot I mean his forehead actually seems hotter than normal? I put a palm on mine, comparing our temperatures. It's not that warm. I think he has got a bit of cold. I sigh as turn to face him. Leaning onto my hand I take a good look as I trace his face with my index finger. His tousled hair, dark lashes, his sharp nose, his plump li... I stop myself sitting straight. 'What am I thinking!'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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