I shake my head as I lean back and slowly fall asleep. When I wake up it was to my baby crying. I immediately stood up and went to her, she was in the kitchen with Steve as he fed her the last of the milk I pumped earlier. I took her gently and gave her the milk from me. Steve covered me up with her blanket she had with him.

"Shh, it's ok darling. Mommy is here." I say softly to her. She looks up at me. I could see them, barely but I could see the slight blue in her eyes. "Steve look I can see blue eyes starting to form. It's been 3 days." He comes over and I move the blanket so he can see them. He smiles, "Yeah." I kissed my cheek as we look down at her. I switch to the other boob a few minutes later.

"So when do you want another one?" He asks I just give him the look. He raises his hands in surrender chuckling. When she was done eating we walked into the living room as I burped her. "When was the last time she was changed?" I ask him. He looks at me, "I don't know." "Ok." I grab a diaper and then some wipes. I lay her down on the couch and change her diaper. Steve throws it away as I dress her again. I put a pacifier in her mouth as Steve comes back and we all watch some movies.

At 9 me and Steve head to bed after laying Amirose down. I pump again filling up 2 bottles. "Steve if you get up with her when she cries I pumped some milk. Just warm it up for about 40 seconds and feed her, don't forget to change her." "Ok." He says, I take a shower then get dressed in pajamas.

I put the monitor on the counter and in seconds I am fast asleep. I wake up to Amirose crying. "I got it." Steve says getting up. "Thanks." I say back as he opens the door then closes it quietly behind him. I look on the monitor and see him feeding her, then burping her, then changing her diaper. He takes his shirt off and sits on the rocking chair, I hear him sing softly as she slowly falls asleep.

I smile as I watch him until I fall asleep. When I wake up again she was crying. I saw it was 7 in the morning. I glance over and see Steve sleeping. I get up and head to her room. I take her from her crib and rock her gently. I feed her from my breasts, but she was still crying so I changed her diaper.

I then burped her. It took a while but once she did she threw up a little bit. I cleaned her up and felt her tummy which was still hard as a rock. I go over to the shelf with some medicine and take out the gas drops. I read how much she has then I give it to her. I sit in the rocking chair and pat her back until she burps and throws up.

I walk to the living room bouncing her slightly in case she had any more gas. At around 8 Clint comes into the living room. He takes her from me. "How long has she been up?" "Since 7. She had gas." He nods as he cradles her and bounces slightly. "I feel like I am going to crush her." "Don't worry you won't. Steve feels the same." I say, "I'll cook some food." I say walking out. I make some eggs and toast for us, I take Amirose from him as we both eat. Then Steve comes out, he comes over to me.

I give him a bite of my food. "How long have you been up?" He asks me, "Since 7." I respond as he takes her from me. "Do you want to go back to bed?" I shake my head, "No I'm ok. Thanks though." "You guys are my favorite couple." Clint says, I laugh as I shake my head. The others come out a few hours later. I put Amirose in the swing in the living room. "I'm going to go clean myself up. I smell like baby puke." I say as I walk out. I head ho to mine and Steve's room. I change into some leggings, one of Steve's shirts and some sneakers.

I brush my hair and throw it up in a messy bun. I then head back down to the living room, Ton was holding the baby. "Hi little kid, I'm your awesome Uncle." I shake my head at Tony. Arms wrap around my waist, I lean back. "You ok?" Steve asks, "Yeah it's just my back is killing me." I say, "Come here." He says I turn around and sit on his lap as he rubs my back.

When he gets to the middle of my lower back my breath hitches as I arch my back. "Right here." He says I nod. He rubs it slowly, massaging it. "Can I hold her now?" Nat says to Tony, he shakes his head turning away. "Tony." I say warningly. He looks at me and hands Amirose off to Nat with a glare. "Stop acting like a baby. I don't need to watch over another one." Tiny sticks his tongue at me. I shake my head. "So Talia are you up for some training?" Clint asked, "No not yet. Maybe once Amirose is a little older." "Amirose? I haven't heard that yet." Bruce said, "Yeah it's a new nickname for her." "I like that." Thor said as he ate a pop tart.

"How old do you want her to be before you do that?" "Until I stop nursing her." I say, "Makes since." I nod at Nat. "Can I hold her now?" Thor asks as he walks up to Nat and the baby. "Yeah, be careful." She puts her in his arms as he cradles her. "I feel like I'm going to break her." He said a lot quieter then I expected. I stood up and went over to him and saw her falling a sleep.

"Yeah, everyone thinks that. I do that's for sure." I say with a smile. "Amirose?" "Yeah." "That's pretty." I nod. "I was right all along." He says with a smirk. I laugh, nodding my head. I sit back down on Steve's lap, Thor sits down, and we all watch a movie. Near the end of the movie Amirose woke up from her nap. I went over and fed her and changed her diaper. I sat back down after putting her in her swing, turning some of the lights on and also playing soft music.

When it was over Clint and Steve cooked us all some lunch. We had hamburgers, or cheeseburgers with whatever you like on it. I moved the swing to the Kitchen and we all ate. "I have some cookies me and Pepper made before she had to leave." Nat said, everyone agrees, I get up with her and take care of the plates. Then we set the cookies on the table that were in a fancy cookie tray thing.

We sat down and began eating some for a while until Amirose cries. "There uh, milk in the mini fridge if you don't mind feeding her." I say to him, "Of course not. The one in her room?" I nod. He kisses me quickly then jogs out. A minute later he was back, he out the 5 ounce bottle in the microwave and heated it up for 25 seconds. I go over to her and pick her up.

She stops crying and just whines. "Hi baby, it's alright. Daddy's getting your milk ok?" I say while bouncing her, she stops crying, and just looks me in the eyes. Steve comes over after shaking the bottle and takes her from me and feeds her. We then sit back down, "You guys are great parents. That was cool, watching you guys." Nat said with a smile, "Thanks." I say, Tony gets up and walks out.

"I'll be right back." I say getting up and jogging out. I find him out on the balcony. I walk over to him, "Are you alright?" I ask, he nods not meeting my eye, just looking out into the city. I look at him, "Tony what's wrong?" I ask as I put my hand on his. He looks at me, I saw the tears in his eyes. I walk closer to him, "What's wrong?" I frown up at him, "I guess I just realized that your all grown up now. Your no longer a teenager who needs me anymore. I guess it just hit me. It's stupid."

"I mean it kinda is." I say in a joking tone. He rolls his eyes, "But Tony just because I have a kid, and I am engaged, doesn't mean I don't need you. I'll always need you. Ok?" He nods with a small smile. I lean in and hug him. "Watch out for my boobs they hurt." He laughs as he pulls away. I turn and lay my head on his chest, his arm goes around my waist. "Feel better now?" "Yeah thanks Talia." "Anytime Anthony." He growls which makes me laugh, "Tony." I say with a smile I look up at him, he looks down and kisses my cheeks.

"Mom and dad would be proud." He says out of nowhere. I look up at him, "Really you think so?" "Yeah. You know mom wanted to make you Amelia? Dad he wanted to name you Rosaline." "Then why did they name me Talia?" I question, "Because when I heard them digging, 2 year old me ran in the room one day as they fought what to call you, and I said 'Talia' it was so clear to them, I remember mom repeating it with a smile. And then dad said 'Hazel' mom again, repeated the first and middle name. And here you are now, Talia Hazel."

I smile, "Well I love the name Rosaline but Talia is better." I agree, "Yeah it is." He says nodding. "So you were the the one who named me." "Yup " "Wanna head back inside?" "Yeah let's head back inside."

Sorry for the long wait but here is another chapter. I've been gone because I have been dealing with a lot of things since September and I'm just starting to get better. I'm sorry everyone.

But I do like Thus chapter a lot because at the end it really shows how much Tony has missed Talia's like after the accident. He realizes how grown up she is and that makes me happy and sad and a lot of other emotions. Thank you l for reading and again I am very truly sorry for all of the long waits on all of my books.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon