"Y/N! Don't you dare close your eyes!" Peh-Yen screamed as he carried her bridal style. Y/N chuckled, tilting her head back.

"But... I feel so sleepy..." She muttered. Peh-Yan's eyes widened and he pushed himself to his limit, forcing himself to run faster.

"We're almost there! Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!" He chanted those two words desperately, over and over again.

"Hm." Y/N just hummed, her eyelids starting to droop, "Heh, sorry, Peh. So..." Her words started to trail off, "Sorry."


'Please don't. I'm not worth it. I'm going to betray you soon anyway. Plus, I don't want your blood in me. Keep it'


Y/N groaned as she aimlessly scrolled through her phone. She had been allowed out of the hospital and was currently lying on Takemichi's bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why are you here again?" The blonde asked. Y/N shrugged.

"Bored." She muttered. She had forced him to let her into his house purely because she had nothing else to do.

"I... did it." Takemichi finally completed the two thousand and five-piece puzzle he had been working on. He leaned back in relief while Y/N snorted.

"Pfff, you spent three whole days doing a puzzle. How lame, crybaby hero." Y/N teased, snickering. She let out a loud sigh, fanning herself with her hand. "Wah, it's so hot. Probably because I'm here." She smirked while Takemichi groaned, sick of her insults. He yearned for just one day where he was free from Y/N's slander.

Takemichi's friends suddenly entered the room, completely missing Y/N. She didn't seem to mind though as she just continued to play on her phone, clicking random buttons.

"Hey, we came to check on you and you're not even hurt?" Yamagishi muttered, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I'm all good now." Takemichi sheepishly grinned. Suzuki walked over to the blonde's bed, peeking under it.

"Where's your porn?" He asked. Y/N frowned as she sat up, the bedsheets rustling underneath her.

"Oi," She lazily said, kicking him back, "Shouldn't you be focused on studying instead of jerking off?"

"EH?! THE HOT GIRL IS HERE?!" Yamamoto exclaimed, shocked. Takemichi sighed, sweatdropping.

"She kind of... forced herself in here." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You willingly let me in." Y/N retorted. Takemichi sighed.

"Yeah, after you threatened to beat me up."

"Wah! The L/N Y/N is actually here! The adopted daughter of a millionaire, a fighting prodigy, and a fashion icon!" Yamagishi bowed down in front of her like she was a goddess.

"Damn," Y/N grumbled, "You stalking me or some shit, cutie?" She clearly liked messing with people so it wasn't a surprise to Takemichi when she purposely made his friend blow a fuse. Yamagishi lay on the ground, cheeks red and a stupified look on his face.

Y/N sighed as she stood up, running a hand through her H/C hair.

"Well, I'm gonna get going." She calmly announced, "See ya, crybaby hero. Your food sucks, by the way. Who the fuck eats pickles with candy canes? I always knew you were a weird one." Takemichi quickly scrambled up, running after Y/N.

"You got stabbed, for goodness sake!" He exclaimed, "You shouldn't be walking." Y/N just shrugged.

"It's not like it'll start bleeding aga-" She was cut off when she felt a warm liquid seep through her shirt. Slowly, she looked down. "Ah... I spoke too soon. Crybaby hero," She turned to look at the blonde, gritting her teeth in obvious frustration, "Where the fuck is your bathroom?"

"Ack! Y/N! You're bleeding! Oh my gosh, AAAAAH!" Takemichi looked horrified as his face paled.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch." Y/N muttered, annoyed, "You're panicking more than me."

"Oh gosh! The blood is getting all over the floor! AAAAH!"

Takemichi's friends sweatdropped as they peeked their heads out of the room, wondering what all the commotion was about. They saw Takemichi frantically trying to clean the floor while Y/N casually stood with a hand on her hip, bleeding.

"The goddess is bleeding!" Yamagishi shrieked. Y/N just rolled her eyes, huffing.

"If one of you bitches don't tell me where the bathroom is right now, I'm gonna end up dying." She was tired, drained even. All she wanted was peace and quiet and maybe some watermelon.

"Um... L/N-san... may I... check your wound?" Akkun, other known as Sendou Atsushi, bashfully asked.

"Yeah, go ahead, pretty boy." She tilted her head to the side, a sigh falling from her lips. Akkun crouched down and lifted up her shirt, gulping. He scanned the poorly done bandages that were probably wrapped by Y/N herself.

"L/N-san, your bandages need to be... replaced." He murmured. Luckily, she wasn't bleeding too heavily. But, they still needed to treat her wound before it got any worse.

"Yeah, okay. Oi, crybaby, where are your bandages?" Y/N looked over at Takemichi. He was sobbing, muttering about how his floor was now ruined.

"I think I know where they are!" Yamamoto piped up. He rushed down the corridor and returned a second later with a small first-aid kit, some tissues, and a whole shit load of bandages.

As Akkun went to unwrap the gauze snaked around Y/N's stomach, she interrupted him.

"I can do it myself." She lazily uttered. Akkun nervously smiled.

"Um... L/N-san... I hate to break it to you but... you're terrible at wrapping bandages..." He was half-expecting her to hit him and, honestly, he wouldn't mind if she did. He was surprised, however, when a hand landed on his head. Fingers tugged at his red locks in a slightly harsh manner as Y/N stared down at him, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Sendou..." She muttered, "You'd make a good husband."


A/N : honestly... Y/N's personality is everywhere at this point. I hate it.

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