| Chapter 4 |

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Over the past three years aizawa had been training me to control my emotions and my quirk but also be in the right mindset and know how to regulate my breathing, he taught me hand to hand combat first and to say he didn't go easy is a bit of an understatement but fortunately I'm a fast learner and managed to beat him a few times

Then he taught me how to use my quirk a certain way one that won't cause damage to my body but will to my enemies....my enemy was a tree for the half of it at least until I could control how much power and damage I was putting into it

The last part was the hardest for me. I had to learn to keep myself in check and my lesson for that was "you need to pretend you don't have a quirk while out in public especially school" "WHAT!? CARAJO WHY!?" Just then my quirk lit little flares around my hand and he snapped "hey! What did I say about using language like that? Besides it's the best way to learn to control your emotions and keep yourself in that same mindset needed to properly use your quirk" I scoff and crossed my arms as he drank his coffee while looking at some book "but dad it's not fair! Everyone else has a quirk and even though I do to I have to- PRETEND- I don't have one!? It doesn't make sense"

He put his cup down and took off his glasses and looked at me "maria you have to understand that eighty percent of today's population has quirks the other twenty don't. Not everyone is lucky enough to have one and it's something you need to understand" I crossed my arms "but if I'm part of the "lucky" eighty percent why do I have to act like I'm not?" He closed his book and got up to walk out of his office "you will understand once you start school you know I couldn't homeschool you forever, now go shower and get ready for bed did your uniform come in?" I pouted "...yes.." he walked over and patted my head "relax it's gonna be fine kid school is not that bad" "humph" I hugged him and walked to my room "fine I'll get ready for bed...good night dad" "night kid"

I get my clothes ready for my shower and sense I got my own bath I didn't bother walking out my room again "moaw" "hi osada how's my little snowball?" The white cat rubbed against my leg and I pet her before taking my shower. After I'm done I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth then get ready for bed

"I should turn my alarm on just so I don't over sleep" I set my alarm and climb into bed, osada decides to join me while I hear scratching at my door then dad opens it and kitani walks in "sorry but it looked like she wanted in" I smile "it's okay night" "night kiddo" he closed the door and I fall asleep



I woke up to my alarm blaring off my phone and turn it off before my dad could hear it, I sit up, stretch and yawn letting the raising sun shine through my curtains and the two cats still on my bed with me "ugh odio las mañanas, morning osada morning kitani" I pet them both before getting up and brushing my teeth then put on my uniform "ugh what- how short is this skirt? So uncomfortable" I slipped on some shorts underneath to make me slightly more comfortable

I make sure to take my new phone off the charger and slip it in my bag along with a few other books and go downstairs to meet my dad in the kitchen "morning kid" "morning dad!" He put a plate of food on the table and I sat to eat and he dramatically sighed "what?" "Do you still not know how to brush your hair?" He walked over behind me to fix my hair "I do I just prefer not to do it or just have you do it for me" my hair has gotten longer over the two years I've been here, it's no longer above my shoulders but rather some ways past it, similar aizawas hair

"Well at least make an attempt to brush it" "yes sir!" I said kind of mockingly as I ate my food. I didn't go out much and don't have many friends so I only ever had zashi and dads numbers saved I was hoping to make a few friends at school ones I can trust and hang out with "there now it's almost time for you to get going do you want me to drive you?" "Yes please I still have yet to know my way to and from school" "alright well let's go"

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