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Heads up this has a really dark beginning


The rain was pouring hard and I could feel the house shake as the thunder made sounds and lightning hit the earth "PERRA INÚTIL!" *Clash* I hid in my closet as my parents fought. This wasn't the first time my father came home drunk and it wasn't the first time he beat my mother and I "Didn't I tell you to have dinner done BY THE TIME I GOT BACK!?" "PLEASE IM SORRY!" *Slap* my mother begged for forgiveness but only got hatred

"Tch ¿Por qué me molesté en retenerte?" She laid on the floor crying "where's the brat? I see she didn't finish her chores either..." I flinched and accidentally bumped the door, he quickly opened it and pulled me out "AAH NO DADDY STOP PLEASE!!" "LEAVE HER ALONE!" he tossed me on the ground "SHUT UP!"  My mother noticed the front door left slightly adjacent and took my hand "my starling now's your chance....go"

I looked over to the door and heard my father's footsteps go down the long hall and into the kitchen "come with me" she shook her head "I can't maria...your nine years old you shouldn't be here....I'm sorry I didn't do any better" she hugged me then picked me up from the ground and took me to the door "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!?" She lowered me until my feet met the stone porch in front of the large dark manor "go now! Hurry!" I started to cry "no momma please come with me!!" She kissed my forehead and held my hands as she spoke in Japanese, I could barely understand a word she spoke since my father forbade her from speaking her language "I love you my starling" she let go of my hands and gave me a quick push before closing the door locking me out "MOMMA!!"

I heard her yell "go" followed by more screams and I ran. I had nothing with me but the clothes on my back and a bracelet with my name that my mother gave me for my eighth birthday. I had only made it down the steps and then some when I heard it *Bang* *Bang* the sound echoed as I turned my head around "MOMMA!!" Knowing what that familiar sound meant all I could do was turn back around and keep going "hah....hah..hah..." I didn't stop running and calling for help until I fell and cried "ALGUIEN POR FAVOR AYUDAME!!"

But nobody came...

I had bruises and scars from the man I called my father. The rain slowed down ever so gently as if to show sorrow rather than rage, I looked up and let the water hit my face "quiero morir ....Pero yo también quiero vivir..." Part of me was glad it was raining so it washed my tears away

"I wish I was somewhere safe and warm...where I had a family I could feel safe with...with people who loved me..." I put my head down and noticed I was in the middle of the road but it was already too late

*HOOOOONNNK!!!* "AAAH!!!" A semi-truck came at me but so did the sky *KBCLAASH!!* I felt sudden heat and electricity fall all across my body and next thing I know I hit something hard

*Skreeeetch* "HEY WHAT THE- What the hell?" I heard someone get out of a vehicle and come over to me "hey are you okay? Are you hurt?" He touched me but quickly flinched away "ah! Her skin is burning! I better call someone- yes hello? I found a girl in the middle of the road I think she's hurt" I open my eyes slightly and see a man standing holding a cellphone then I close them again

A few minutes later I hear another voice "hello? I came to see the reported little girl?" "Oh they sent a hero! Good she's over there, I couldn't mover her though her skin is burning" someone walks over to me and once again I open my eyes slightly to see a man with hair that probably went to his shoulders with a scarf, he looked tired and had a bit of scruff on his face. But he had a calming and safe aura to him

"Ayuda...por favor..I'm hurt" he moved my dark curly locks from in front of my face but I didn't move, it hurt too much to "it's okay kid La ayuda está en camino" he got back up to leave but I felt safe with him, I didn't want him to leave "no....don't go...por favor" I spoke very softly barely above a whisper but he heard me and came back "alright I won't go" he sat next to me and for the first time in what felt like eternity

I felt safe


Perra inútil - Useless bitch

¿Por qué me molesté en retenerte? - Why did I even bother keeping you?

¡Alguien por favor ayudame! - Somebody please help me

Quiero morir - I want to die

Pero yo también quiero vivir - But I want to live also

Ayuda - Help

Por favor - Please

La ayuda está en camino - Help is on the way


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