Meet Ash/ Introduction

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We're gonna start this off how every book should start, an introduction of course. This story is about me, Ash, the author of this book! 

So this story isn't really one hundred precent as interesting as it seems, I am only a middle schooler after all! But that's beside the point. 

This story is probably going to be one of many true stories of mine, I've been trying to write stories about myself and my life and make comics but as someone who forgets really easily it can be a little hard to start somewhere. 

That's was until recently I got my first girlfriend!! Exciting, right? She's amazing! (Not to brag) but yet again I'm getting side tracked! 

This is a pretty true story with some slight fabrications, since like said before I'm only a middle schooler and haven't really gotten as far as this story could reach... but that's okay! 

Now before we get into the whole horror fest of middle school, and then the whole embarrassing, sappy, and a little cute love story you should learn about your main character. 

That main character is me! (Duh) 

My name is Ashton, but I mostly often am referred to as Ash. Actually when someone calls me Ashton I usually skip a heart beat because that probably means I'm in trouble. But I don't have to worry about ever hearing that because I'm a sweet little angel (totally didn't try and sneak a goat home.)

I as said probably ten million times (which is an over-exaggeration) I'm a middle schooler, a seventh grader to be exact. 

Middle school is alright and all, but it can be a little hard and confusing, not to mention it can be like a maze when you're trying to get to class! (Trust me, I know..) I also have a very short attention span so that makes it even worse. 

I have many hobbies, most of them including some form of art. I like to cosplay, draw, animate, digital art, write, roller/ice skate, play volley ball, do tennis, etc. 

I'm overall a pretty active kid to be honest, I like to be outside a lot and if I have friends with me you probably won't see me for hours. 

Friends! I have many, but at the same time I have none. Depending on the time I'm a social butterfly or a shy little snail. I can go out and introduce myself to everyone and make friends with everyone around me (no joke) or I can clam up and have the social skills of a brick. (It can be a little frustrating and confusing, especially for my friends.)

I am a pretty weird, nerdy, and dorky kid so I don't have the most friends, most kids in school ignore me. 

I don't mind it though! I like my small group of friends! (it makes it easy to remember them all >:})

Well... now that you know some stuff about me, let's get to the REAL story! (Good luck getting through all the drama, chaos, and the love fest!!!) 


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