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!Wanring! Tiny bit of cursing and some voilence is in this chapter

-Y/n pov-

I stood infront of my den and looked at everything destroyed, my wall of stuff I've colected was torn apart and some of the stuff missing. The moon hair clip that I had gotten from that night with EJ was split in two, I slowly walked over to the area and fell to my knees. Hot tears started to fall as I tried to peice the hair clip back together but I didn't have anything to fix it. I picked up the book with the drawing I made of my family but when I turned to the page the drawing was on, the drawing was ripped out. I seached through the pile of broken stuff trying to see if it was there, I found parts of the paper in the pile but not all of it. I hold the hair clip, book and the peices of paper close to my chest as I sit there and cry, I soon fell asleep curled up in a ball by my broken items.

I wake up when the sun shines through my den and onto my face, I sit and look around my den with a sad expression. I stand up and gently place the items I have in my hnd onto the ground, walk out of my den and sniff the air. I pick the scent of those gaurd people again, I sniff around to make sure they weren't close but I could smell the scent in my den. I walk up to the pile of broken stuff and sniff it, it smells like those gaurds, I tranfrom into my wolf form and follow the scent. That's probaly not a good idea but I was to angry at the moment to even think of a reasonable plan. I start to run faster and faster until I see buildings all around me, there were people everywhere that just looked at me in fear. They all were screaming, crying and running around trying to get away from me but I wasn't here for them, I was here for the people who destroyed my life. I sniff the air and pick up the scent, I run towards it and start to growl but ofcourse that only made the people around me more scared.

I got to their lab and started to bark loudly until some gaurds came out to see what the problem was and they saw me. One spoke into their walkie talkie and more gaurds came out but I didn't want the gaurd, I wanted the sicentist that made me. I slowly stalked towards the door as all the gaurds pointed their guns at me "Stand down and we can do this peacefully." One of the the gaurds says. I growl at him "Hard way it is then, FIRE!" He says and every gaurd out here started to shoot at me but the bullets didn't slow me down. I lunge at the gaurds and start biting their heads off until there was one left, I had bullet wounds all over my body but I didn't care. The lone gaurd staggers back a bit and looks at me in fear, he shakely reaches for hie walkie talkie. "S-sir, I don't think I'm gonna m-make i-" That was all he got to say before I bit his head off, I walked up to the metal doors and started to bang on them.

I finaly break through them and sniff the air to find that sicentist, I pick up their scent and followed it to a door. I bust down the door but no one was there, I look around confused but then a huge heavy net landed on me as I backed out of the room. I was then ingected with something and I started to feel sleepy, I fall to the ground with a loud thud and started to be dragged away.

*with the creepypastas*

-Narrator pov-

EJ sits on the couch flipping through the chanels on the tv until the news chanel show up and he sees that you were running around the city. The news reporter said that you were most likely looking for something because you kept sniffing the air and weren't attacking civilens. EJ shot up off the couch and runs out the front door leaving everyone confused, he just kept running to the city. He made sure to have a discise on before leaving the woods and going into the city, there was bearly anyone outside when he got there. He geussed it was because of you running through here earlier, he looked around for anything that could help him find which way you went. He looked down a street and saw total destruction "Geuss I found the way (Y/n) went." He said to no one as he walks down the street.

-Y/n pov-

I woke up with my arms and legs chained to a wall and a muzzle over my mouth, I was in my human form so I don't know why they had it on me. F**k is all I thought when I started to hear boots clicking on the concret floors, I sigh and sit down on the cold cell floor. The cell's metal door creaked open and two gaurds with guns walked in, then Dr. Dright walked in. I learned his name by listening to the gaurds talk from outside my old cell before I ran away, he was the one that experimented on me for years. I let out a low growl as he walked up to me, he crouched down and looked into my (e/c) eyes, he grinned and his eyes showed pure evil. He grabbed my hair and pulled my towards him with force, I whined as I tried to get him off me but the chains kept getting in the way. "I missed watching you squirm in pain when I tested on you, I was about to go looking for you again but since you so kindly handed yourself over I will try and go easy on you." He said as he let me go and got up. "Take it to the testing chamber 02." He told the gaurds as he walked out with an evil grin on his face. The gaurds slowly walkd up to me, I could smell a hint of fear coming from them as they took the chains off. Geuss even with guns they were still arfaid of me, I mean I did murder like 20 gaurds just to get here.

They took me to a place that I was too familar with, the testing chambers were never really my favorite place to go. I only ever went here when they did a weekly test on me or when I was bad, they strapped me down onto a table with metal and leather restraints. Wow they really were scared of me getting out and hurting them but I still couldn't blame them. The door opened up and Dr. Dright walked in with a mask, pair of glasses, gloves and a bag filled with his own concoctions. He signaled the gaurds to wait outside the door and they did, he started to everything up and hum a small tune that he always hummed while testing on me. He pulled out a needle that had some weird blue liquid in it, he walked over to me "This will only hurt a lot." He said as he ingects the blue liquid into me. I felt like I was on a sugar rush at first but then everything started to burn, my eyes widened and I screamed in pain but the muzzle muffled it. I felt tears in my eyes but they wouldn't fall, they instead went away and I felt like I was on a sugar rush again. I looked over to Dr. Dright and he was smiling like a mad man which he was to be honest, I suddenly felt my body changing. I could feel my teeth grow sharper, my scences inhance, my nails grow sharper too and everything started to loose color. "Don't worry, its normal for color to fade away but the color will slowly come back to you." Dr. Dright said as he got more things ready to test on me.

-Narrator pov-

EJ picked up his speed when he could faintly smell blood near a clearing he was by, he walked out and saw mutipul dead bodies infront of a building that looked like it was a terrable hostpital. He sighed and knew who had caused this, he sneaked in the building wit no one noticing him untill he heard guns load from behide him. "Alright you have one chance to tell me why you are here, how you got in and who you are, if you do not then with will have to open fire at you." A voice said from behide him. "And would you so kindly turn around with your hands up." EJ sigh as he slowly raised his hands and turned around. "Perfect now answer my qeustions." EJ was now looking at a guy that looked like a sicentist but when he looked to the guys left he saw (Y/n) with glowing blue eyes.

(I'm so sorry that I didn't update in a while but mabye this will make up for it ^^')

Goodbye my lovely children O3U~

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