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!Warning! Little bit of voilence is in this chapter

-Y/n pov-

I'm now sitting on a medical bed in what seems to be an extra room that EJ uses as his medical room. I have a bandage on my right leg from when the creature bit me, I watch as EJ wheels back and forth in his wheel chair from his desk to his other desk. I let out a bored sigh as I watch him flip through a book then wheel back over to his other desk "Can I go now?" I ask with a bored tone. "No." EJ answers while still looking at whatever was on his other desk "Why?" I ask and lean back onto the wall behind me. "Because your hurt and I need to study your blood and the other blood to see what is happening." He answers and wheels over to his books. I groan in anoyance, I look to the side and out a small window that was in the room, I sit back up and lean closer to it. When my hand touches the sunlight my hand starts to burn, I scream and jump back, EJ looks at me with a worried expression. "What's wrong?" He asks as he wheels over to the bed I was on "I touched the sunlight and it burnt my hand." I tell him as I show him my hand. "Did it always use to do this?" He asks as he wraps my hand with a bandage, I shake my head and he wheels over to his desk and writes it down. 

I was finaly aloud to walk out of the room but only when it was night and when EJ was with me but I didn't care as long as I got out of the room. I was now out at night with EJ with me as we both walked down a path but EJ made sure not to walk too far from the mansion just incase the sun came up and I needed to get inside. I breath in deeply and let out a loud sigh, I missed being out here in the wild with the only light being the full moon that was out. I could feel EJ watching me from behind as I spinned around with my eyes closed "You look like a child." EJ said laughing. I laugh a bit too as I stop and look at him, we start to walk back to the mansion when I my chest feels like someone just stabbed me. I put a hand on my chest and groan in pain "Hey you good?" EJ asks me as I fall to my knees and he rushes towards me. I shake my head fast as the pain gets worse, I start to cough and I cover my mouth with my free hand. I take my hand away and see that oily blood stuff on my hand, I look at Ej with a scared expression. Then my whole body feels like needles are stabbing me, I hunch over and scream in pain, I feel EJ pick me up and start to run back to the mansion.

We were almost there when I feel myself turn into my wolf form, EJ stopped running and set me down as I turned into my wolf form. I was fully in my wolf form but instead of my fur being (f/c) it was black like that creature that bit me. My (e/c) eyes were now fading into a redish color, I then feel my body start to move on its own, I start to growl at EJ but I wasn't controling my body. EJ steps back a bit and then starts to run away and to the mansion, my body starts to run after him. I try and control my body but it doesn't work, I start to see the mansion getting close and my body speeds up and snaps at EJ. He bearly misses it but slows down a bit as we get close to the mansion, I bark at him and my body speeds up even more. I tackle him down when we were right infront of the mansion and he grabs a stick to block me from biting his head off. I heard a door burst open and footsteps rushing over to us, I feel people trying to push me off but I was too heavy. I stop trying to get EJ then I turn around and growl at all of them as one of them help EJ. I let out a roar at them and tried to attack one but a heavy net was thrown over me instead, I had flashbacks of when the humans kidanpped me and when they attacked. I tried to get the net off of me because I was scared I was going back to that place again, I got it off and ran.

I heard people running and yelling at me to stop, I just ran faster but I didn't relise that I was running towards a cliff until I was falling. I turned around while I was still in the air and started to change back into my human form, guess whatever was inside of me didn't need me anymore. I saw Hoodie try and jump after me but that masked guy held him back but no one noticed EJ jump after me until they saw him grab me. I held onto him as we both fell to our deaths, I feel tears leave my eyes as I felt the ground come closer. That is until I feel something grab us, I open my eyes to see me and EJ eing pulled up to the cliff by a tentecal. I look up to see Slenderman standing there with his tentecals out, we both touch the ground and we all follow Slenderman back to his mansion. My leg was not hurt anymore because that thing left me when I was falling, I was walking in the very back as the others walked ahead of me. I didn't want to be social right now "You may go home child." I look around to see who said that but no one was looking at me. I thank the mystery voice in my head and start to walk off without anyone noticing me leave, I get far enough away from them and start to sniff the air to find a way home. I pick up my house's scent and follow it to my home "Home sweet home." I say to myself as I walk towards it.

(Sorry that this chapter was a bit late, I was with my dad.)

Goodbye my lovely children O3U~

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