🍺Damon Salvatore 🍺

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" Hi. I'm Damon.....and I have anger issues"

I love him.

He is the better brother

No one can tell me otherwise

He's also the hotter brother

AND for those of you who think Stefan is the better/ hotter brother, y'all are in denial.

I absolutely don't understand why people hate him.

They are all like, " I hate Damon cuz he sexually abused Caroline " and I'm like, dude, did we even watch the same show??

It's obivious to anyone with half a brain that all he did to care was 1. Compel her to keep his vampirism a secret and to not be afraid of him and 2. Feed from her.

I mean, I get it. The last one kinda qualifies as a form of abuse but can you blame him? He's a fucking vampire for God's sake. Not stefam the vegan vampire.

But sexually abused? Now that is where I get confused.

Damon only fed from her and it was Caroline who wanted to Fuck him. But then there are people who just twists the facts and made Damon the bad guy.

Like, that's exactly what Katherine did to Damon. But for some reason it's being ignored?

Damon unintentionally gave the illusion that he was abusing Caroline while Katherine did abuse him. And while Katherine gets praised for it Damon's being shot down.

It's not just in tvd,but also in real life.
When a girl abuses men she's called a badass but when it's the other way around he's called a rapist.

I mean I'm all in for feminism and all but this is not what it stands for. It's about equality for both the genders.

This is getting of topic really quick....

Point being, you shouldn't hate Damon for one particular reason and like Katherine for the same reason. If you do then you a gigantic hypocrite.

Now that that's cleared, why do i love Damon? Good question .

Ans- he's hot.

Jk that's not the only reason I love him.

He also had such a great character development too yk?

Like at first he was all "grrr I'm a big, bad vampire" but by the end of the show, he turned into an amazing character who actually does care.

You can't fucking tell me you still hate him after that.

Imean, if it's s1 Damon then I get it, y'all have a more compass or some other bullshit. But you still hate him? Your delusional and there is nothing that can change my mind.

Peace out✌

Peace out✌

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