Training of the Mind

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(don't play song yet)

In that same concreted place, where the cherry blossom tree still bloomed, you and Obi Wan met to train. 

It was in the early hours of the morning he had decided to coax you awake and have you dress to fight. He waited under the blossom tree and you made your way there after dressing in a light kimono which had old drawings of flying serpents and petals woven beautifully into the design. On your way out you saw Anakin with some kind of fruit in hand, it l looked to be a Mayluron and damn, it looked tasty. So, you did what any trickster would do. You patted his shoulder to gain his attention, took the sponge that Ashoka had been using to scrub the floor with, used a tiny spell to make the sponge a Mayluron, though it was an illusion and would wear off after one bite, then switched his Mayluron with the sponge Mayluron, waved goodbye and winked at Ashoka.

As soon as you'd left the building, a confused and angered cry came from Anakin as he screamed, "WHERE'S MY MAYLURON GONE?!" 

You chuckle and bite into the glorious, watery fruit.

"Don't tell me that's what I think it is..." Obi Wan shook his head, ashamed of you already.

You shrug and say, clearly with a mouth full, to further exasperate him, "I f-don't kn-y-ow what v-you're ch-talking abou-f-t." 

Obi Wan shook his head with more vigour, his right hand now pressing into his face as he looks away almost embarrassed. He couldn't bare see you with that fruit's water dribbling out of your mouth and Anakin in the distance coming to fully scorn you. Wait... Anakin?!-

"Y/N! THAT'S MY FRUIT!" Anakin scream yelled at you, stomping over.

  "Obi, we're going on a trip!-" You click your fingers, a portal opening above his head, you falling through it moments later and landing on his shoulders like some ape. Obi Wan wobbling from the sudden weight on his top half and then suddenly from below him, after another click of your fingers, a portal opened and both he and yourself go through it, now finding yourselves to be on Tatoooine.

Obi Wan coughs and steadies himself upright in the sand, you stay on your hands and knees, the portal above you both seemed to capture your Master's attention the most. He looked above it, expecting a tube or something, but nothing was there, just air. He looked through the portal then above and repeated the action several times in utter confusion. Anakin's face appeared in the portal and immediately you knew it was time to close it. Before your Master's head got chopped off while he looked through it again, you pushed him away and clicked your fingers, not before taking the chance to flip the bird at Anakin, of course.

You hear a quiet but comedic chuckle from behind you and turn to face your Master, who, for the second time today, was found to be fixing his robes and shaking out the sand he felt clinging to him. 
[A/N: Can't remember where this was going it's been a few years... well, hope it's okay anyways...]
When Obi Wan turned back around to see his new Padawan, he saw her sitting cross legged in the sand. "How in Maker's name did we get here?!" Obi Wan asked. "And however you did it, I sense it was fuelled by some raw emotion, you will need to learn to control your spontaneity if you are ever to become a Jedi Knight."
  "Perhaps... But that is what I have you for, right, Master?"
"Don't tease. I'm serious."
  "As am I!~"
"...Why on earth did I think I could train a Sith child, anyway?!..." Obi Wan mumbled to himself sassily.

  "Sit down, ya big goof." You said, ushering him to a spot in the sand.
"No way, that sand will get in everything!" Obi Wan stated.
  "Christ, you are such a big baby! I see what Anakin means now!"
"...Anakin? What did Anakin say about me?!"
  "Nothing... uhh... terrible. Just things. Now sit down."
"No. I think you'll find I am your Master, you should be taking orders from me!" Obi sassed, clearly trying to overpower you.
  "Hmm not right now. I thought we were gonna train, so come on, teach me to wield the good side of the force or whatever-"
"There is no good side to the force... It is simply differentiated by those who use it and act with such discrepency." Obi Wan explained.
  "Wise words for a goofball Master." You taunt.
"You watch your tongue, I may allow this as a one on one but you will need to learn some discipline if you are to learn under my hand!" Obi tried to not whine.
  "Sure." You flippantly deadpan.
"...Hmph." Obi Wan crossed his arms and paced a little after the awkward nothingness.

A STAR WARS STORY: Obi wan x Eternall!Reader x MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now