Part 1 - The Awakening - Chapter Nine: New Symbol Powers

Start from the beginning

            “We’re heading there right now!” Jayden said with determination.

            “Right” the other rangers said simultaneously.

            Everyone was so concentrated on what was going on out there, that they completely overlooked me or that I was even in the room. I was invisible to them at the moment.

            My mom sat in the kitchen with Master Ji, while my dad and Karone went to assist the rangers. I was stuck here doing nothing, and despite the fact I wanted nothing to do with being a power ranger, I felt the need to go help them. Then again how could I, if I didn’t even have a morpher to morph into a power ranger. Sitting in the living room, I felt scared and uneasy. I wanted to go help the rangers, but what could I do?

Something in my gut told me that I had to go help them. I had the calligraphy pen with me, and I also had the teleporting potion I secretly made. I was ninety nine percent sure I made it correctly. The only thing was how the hell did I teleport? Did I just think of a place and then dropped the potion to the floor to do so? Or what?

            I had enough of trying to figure this out. I was just going to have to take my chances. I grabbed my Saif zord from my room, and then the little tiger zord came to me. It folded and transformed itself into a small box. Also, a string appeared on it, and I knew I could wear it around my neck to ensure that I had it in me the whole time. It also had the Kanji symbol for tiger as the emblem on the zordbox. I grabbed the potion and thought about the rangers and where they were at. I dropped it into the floor, and suddenly I was surrounded by what looked like a cloud of white mist. I was nervous, unsure if I had used the potion correctly.

            I started hearing what sounded like fighting. The mist around me disappeared, and then I saw the rangers battling a hideous monster. It wasn’t Darkonda. I knew what he looked like, and that wasn’t him.

            The monster looked almost like an alien insect, and even though he was just that, an alien, he was very powerful. The monster shot bolts of energy at the rangers, and they were down and injured.

            I ran to them, wanting to see if I could help.

            “What are you doing here?” Jayden scolded.

            “I needed to see if you needed help!” I didn’t know what else to say. “I thought you might be in trouble.”

            “You need to get out of here!” Emma shouted.

            “Ooh, what do we have here? A boy?” the monster laughed. “Ah, you’re the boy that Darkonda’s after” he continued laughing evilly. “I am going to take you to him!”

            “Dream on bug face! If you want to take me, you’re in for a real ride!”

            He continued laughing. “A puny human boy like you is no problem!” I held the Said saber and held it firmly in my hands. “The Saif saber? I’m going to take that from you boy!”

            “Try it, I dare you!” I challenged him.

            “What are you doing?!” Mike asked in a scolding tone. “Are you crazy?!”

            The sword lit up with a green energy surrounding the blade. I shot the energy at the monster, putting him down. “Oh you’re going to pay for that!” bug face threatened.

            “Oh yeah?! Well let’s see if you can handle this!” I said angrily. I grabbed calligraphy pen, and started drawing the Arabic word for ‘Break’ in a calligraphic form.

            “What are you doing?!” asked an injured Jayden, but I ignored him. “Don’t, you don’t know what can happen!”

            I ignored him and continued drawing the symbol, Kasara, which again meant ‘to break’. I was shaping the calligraphy into a sort of water drop, oval circle. Once the symbol was done, the monster laughed. “You think you can destroy me with that ridiculous symbol?!”

            “Yes!” I said.

            He laughed harder, and tried coming at me. Jayden and the rest of the rangers yelled for me to run to safety, but I wasn’t about to back down. Jayden got up, lifted his spin sword, and ran to me. I knew he was going to attempt to push me aside. But before that could happen, I punched the Arabic symbol and aimed it at the monster.

Just as I punched the symbol, I yelled “KASARA!” then Jayden tackled me down to the ground. I only barely watched as the symbol hit the monster, blowing him up into pieces, creating a loud explosion. The blast was so powerful that both Jayden and the rest of us got blasted away by the shockwave of the explosion, Jayden holding me tightly.

            My arm got scraped, but it was a superficial wound. Both Jayden and me got up, and watched the fire from the defeated monster. He was gone.

            I couldn’t believe it worked. It actually worked. I was able to create a symbol to destroy the monster. Everyone looked at me. They were quiet. I didn’t know if I should smile, or frown.

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