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Two people stood side by side on a mountain facing the glorious sunset, the last dying rays of sun splashing the sky with a vivid orange glow. The girl, her eyes shining as she stared into the distance adjusted her position and gave a little sigh of pleasure.

"It's so beautiful," she breathed. "I just want to stay here forever."

The boy standing next to her gave her a sidelong glance. "Is that what you truly want?"

The girl stretched out an arm and spread her fingers out towards the perfect orb of a sun.

"You know, I never thought I would feel at home anywhere. This is my place to be."

Her companion turned and looked intensely at her, his mismatched eyes seemingly piercing right through her and into her soul.

"You're ready," he confirmed. "Do you want, truly want to stay here? You will never age, fall sick or die. A life of travelling, adventure and conquest."

The girl faced him, her eyes hard with resolve. "Yes. I choose not to go back- I will stay here."

The boy finally smiled, a pained one as though he were unused to such an action.

"Very well."

Flicking his wrist, a thick tome materialised in mid-air, and he snatched the quill that appeared alongside it. Turning the ledger to the bookmarked page, he swiftly filled in these words into the next empty line: "Hero Class C, Subjugated."

"I'll be going now," the boy said, walking away as he raised his hand in farewell.

"Goodbye! See you again someday!" The girl called out to him, waving her arm vigorously overhead.

The boy winked out of existence, and there was only one person left on the mountaintop.

The Overseer & The Class S "Hero"Where stories live. Discover now