"Would you please just answer me?"

"I am taking you somewhere safe," I reply shortly.

I take a sharp turn.

"Safe? Is there an attack? There should not be one. This is a time of peace. The most peace there has been in centuries."

Her words they are infuriating. I cannot let them brainwash her any further. I must show her how things are supposed to be. I can persuade her to stop being so idiotic once I get her free from here.

I stop to catch my breath. Everything looks the same, they must have left it all the same. It is just as beautiful as always.

The structure of ice stones, made by people like myself has always amazed me. I never expected to be attempting an escape from it.

"Uh what is your name she asks?"

"Why do you want to talk now? It is obviously not safe. If we are loud, we might get caught," I whisper.

"You need to calm down. We are safe here," she tries to persuade me.

She is definitely brainwashed.

Stupid, stupid, stupid Everest. If he had not done that to me, I would have been here during the invasion. How long was I unconscious for? They could not have beaten everyone in just a couple of days. Could they? I am praised for strategy, but I do not have many strategies. I am just good at giving orders and executing the plans of my aunts. But if I had been there, my army would have been stronger. Maybe they were confused without leadership. No, that cannot be right. They are strong. They would not fall into chaos just because I am not there. I trained them to be better than that.

I must not engage the enemy. They must be extremely strong. They have never been this strong before. Not strong enough to overthrow the empire. As head of the military, I failed. I failed horribly. I failed everyone.

"A-are you doing okay?" The girl asks concerned.

If I can at the very least get her out.

"Why would I not be? I am perfectly fine. I can remember an escape route..."

"You are from here?"

"Is that so hard to see?" I ask.

"Well uh yes... yes it is. We have had no missing persons reports."

"We are stalling when we are idle and chatting. Words echo. So be quiet," I cut her off.

I could explain everything to this strange girl, but that would waste precious time.

My bedroom! There is an escape through there. I created ice tunnels just in case such an event happened. No one will know they are there because I sealed them.

I resume running.

"No! Let's stop running!" She whines.

"How about I carry you?" I suggest despite knowing it will slow us down.

She looks me up and down confused. "You cannot carry me."

I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around her waist to pick her up. I cannot do it. When did I get so weak?

I glance at my arms. My muscles are gone, as if I have not exercised or trained in years. How did that happen?

I rush to the room.

"No!" She yells as I touch the handle.

"Why?" I frown.

"That room is haunted! Everyone knows that!" She exclaims horrified.

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