Please Read: Updated Author's Note

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Hello there! This is an updated Author's Note for this story.

Before you could continue reading the first chapter, please take note of this.

I have announced this multiple times but I would like to repeat it just to avoid confusion.

This story will (still) be under a lot of HEAVY EDITING meaning there will be big and/or small changes in the story. 

I have edited everything from start to finish though I will still edit some parts of the story (if necessary).

To make it easy for you guys to know that the chapter was being edited, I will write "(EDITED)" right next to the title of the chapter.

For Example:

Chapter 1: Title of the chapter (EDITED)

- This means I have edited and fixed the chapter already so there are a few changes in the story. 

I repeat: Once a chapter is already edited, there are a lot of changes. So please expect a lot of changes.

I will also write the date of when I edited the chapter at the very end before you can proceed to the next chapter. 

I will also write the date at the beginning of the story to let you guys know that the story was edited and when it was being edited.

I will find time to edit the chapters since my writing was very crappy and all over the place when I first started writing this story last 2018. 

So I need to improve it and change a few things.

I hope you understand. 

Now you may proceed to the first chapter! Happy reading and I hope you'll enjoy reading my story.

- emopastelgirl^_^

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