I haven't changed

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Warnings: none

Steve was in his room sketching the love of his life. He had lost him more than seventy years ago but he still had his face in his head. He would never forget his crooked smile and the curls that always fell in front of his eyes.

He finished the last line before admiring his work. It looked exactly like him. In the picture he was in his uniform. He was loading his gun but his hair was in his eyes.

There was a knock on his door and Bucky pocked his head in.

"You ready to go?" he asked as he stepped into the room.

Steve nodded and set his notebook down. He got up and went to his closet. As he took a jacket Bucky studied the picture.

"I miss that punk," Bucky said, "You still have a crush on him?"

Steve blushed, "I can't get him out of my head."

"Clearly," Bucky said as he opened the other pages that were all covered by a picture of the same man.

Steve snatched the book from his hands. "We should get going."

He put the notebook in his desk before pulled Bucky out of his room. They walked to the elevator in silence.

"There is a chance he's still alive," Bucky said, "We fell of that train together and here I am."

"I know but I don't wanna raise my hopes," Steve said as they stepped into the elevator, "Even if he is alive he's probably not the same."

Bucky hummed in agreement.

The elevator stopped at the lobby and they stepped out. A man in a mail man uniform and a cap walked up to him.

"Excuse me captain but you have a letter," the man said.

He kept his head down, keeping his face hidden. Steve took the unmarked letter from his outstretched hand. The man immediately walked away.

Steve tore the envelope open and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. He unfolded it and scanned his eyes over the words.

'Don't worry captain, I haven't changed.'

His eyes widened. He looked up and scanned the crowd around him but the mailman was long gone. He read the letter again, just to make sure he hadn't read it wrongly the first time.

The words hadn't changed though. He could almost imagine him saying those words with a smirk. He was infuriating but Steve was still in love with Peter Parker.

412: words.

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