Phone calls

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Summary: Peter gets called by his family during class.

Warnings: mentions of sexual behavior.

"What that sexy thing I see over there, that's me, standing in the mirror.

What's that icy thing hanging round my neck, that's gold, show me some respect."

Peter fumbled to get his phone out of his bag. Every one in his class started at him and he knew what fate held for him. That was his boyfriend's special ringtone.

He gulped nervously but did as required, he answered it on speaker. Gunshots and screams filled the room and he cringed.

"Hey baby boy, your family and I are coming back today and your pop's wanted to know what you want to take for supper?" Wade said out of breath.

"Pasta sounds good," he replied, very aware of his classes confused gazes on him.

"You sure. Every times your pop's makes pasta you end up eating too much and I was planing on you pounding me re-"

"BYE WADE!" he cut the call and buried his red face in his hands.

"You are my dad. Your my dad. Boogie woogie woogie."

He didn't even have to be told this time. He answered the call and the sounds of blasts filled the room.

"He kid. So, we will be able to come home today so I think we should have a family game night. I was thinking we play scrabble," Tony said.

"That's a lot of thinking you're doing you should stop before you get a migraine," Peter joked, forgetting about his class.

"Rude. Anyway I'll take that as a yes?" Tony asked on the other end of the call before shouting some curse words at someone.

"Yes. Bye."

With that Peter cut the call not giving his dad time to say goodbye. He tried to ignore the stares his class was giving him while hopping his phone didn't ring again.

"You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal."

The universe had it out for him today.

He groaned and answered the phone.

"Did you and you're dad just agree to play scrabble for family game night. That is so unfair. You two always pair up with Bruce and win and leave the rest of us to wonder whether some of the words you put down are even real," Clint's voice complained immediately the call was answered.

"Sorry pops but we have a winning streak and we want it to remain the same," Peter said very aware of the stares burning holes into him.

"How about this I'll convince you're dad to let you have one more hour of patrol a night if you join our team," Clint said.

"I'll have to think about it," Peter said after a few seconds he added, "Thought about it, no."

"Oh come on, it's a solid offer. If you want- Hey! Natasha," Clint's voice faded and all they could here was a motorcycle and gunshots.

"Hey baby spider," Natasha said then a series of more gunshots.

"Hey mama spider," Peter said with a smile.

"Since we're coming back today, I was hopping you could help me with my hair," Natasha said.

"Great how about- Stephen!" Natasha exclaimed when the phone was snatched away from her.

"Hey Peter, aren't you supposed to be in class?" Stephen asked being the only responsible one.

"I am currently in class, you're on speaker," Peter said while glancing at his classmates.

It was silent on the other end for a while. "I'll tell the other's to stop calling you."

With that he cut the call. Everybody was staring at him. Before they could ask him anything he was saved by the bell. He packed his things and ran out of class.

He ran out of school and headed to the tower despite having a three more classes that day. He didn't want the attention once the story spread. He would leave that problem for the next day.

622: words.

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