"Cacti seem all prickly on the outside and people say it's an easy plant you can just leave for a long time, that you barely have to take care of but they need more love than they let on. And that reminded me of you. I know your mind makes things hard for you but in that fog, when you feel like you're all alone, remember that you are more loved than you think. Just like this cactus, cutest thing I've ever seen- after you, of course."

Louis stared at Harry, then at the cactus, inhaling deeply through his nose. He lowered his head, lower lip trembling and placed his hands against Harry's face, pulling him in for a kiss. After some seconds, he pulled back and gave him a sweet smile that just about made the dizzy boy fall in love all over again. Then he returned to staring at the plant with a childlike fondness while Harry stared at him with a childlike fondness.

"If I knew you would react this way, I might've bought you one sooner. It's been on my mind for months... Kept forgetting so I went out the moment I woke up and recalled to get it."

"God, you really should be saving up, shouldn't you?"

"The price wasn't much, really, I... I'm just really glad I made you happy."

"Their name shall be Green."

"Green? That's lazy, Tommo."

"No, no, not cos of its colour. Green cos of you, love." Harry melted and Louis smiled again, giving him another kiss before he gently placed the cactus on the table and intertwined their fingers, pulling Hazz out of the house. Harry took the lead, dragging Louis eventually in his excitement and Lou tried to keep up, unable to stop staring at him. Maybe, just maybe, Valentine's day wasn't completely, utterly stupid after all.

They came to a stop and Harry did jazz hands, pouting when Louis frowned slightly. "Babe...! You're supposed to love this!"

"Oh, no, I do, I just... You know, it's a pastry shop. Are you trying to make my stomach even bigger than it already is?" Harry's entire body stiffened, jaw suddenly clenched and Louis knew it was too late to take it back once their eyes met. He knew fully well that if they weren't in public, he would have been in a full-body tackle, getting smothered in kisses but Harry wasn't able to do that so he contented himself with squeezing Louis' hands and kissing his cheek.

"I love your stomach. I love your entire body, don't even talk like that, please, boo bear." Louis nodded softly, hating the warm feeling that enveloped him when Harry beamed at him and kissed his cheek.

"I know you don't like hearing that... M'sorry, I'm trying."

"It's okay... let's just go in, alright? Have as much as you want, too cos I don't give a flying fuck about your figure, you're a beautiful man and I want to see you happy, okay?" Louis flushed and nodded, resisting the urge to jump on Hazz and koala bear hug him, never to let go again like his brain desperately wanted him to. That would just be too weird. He was being treated way too well, it was overwhelming in the best way.

Harry pulled him into the shop gently, watching Louis gaze around the cozy space. It was a fusion of old and new, in a way, what with there being both chalkboards showing the menus and bean bag chairs on one side. He liked it. Harry seemed more confident with his surroundings and pulled Lou to the counter, glancing at the different selections.

"You've been here before, Hazz?"

"Maybe...?" That was a yes or no question, now Louis just felt suspicious. He narrowed his eyes, about to poke for answers a bit more but Harry's saving grace came in form of a thicc, gorgeous African American woman with bright gold eyeshadow who smiled at them both.

"Well, hello, beautiful people! Nice to... Meet you, wow, can I just say I love your hair?" Harry giggled and thanked her. Louis thought that would be the end of it, of course but she was unrelenting. She asked him about the products he used, then switched her attention to his fashion sense, twirling one of her braids with bright eyes.

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