Chapter 16

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"Aww, you're back to your usual stares. I'm glad you and Louis had that chat, seems like he talked you back to normal."

"I guess. You guys are close. I just hope you haven't told him everything."

"I'm stupid, not stupid, Zayn. I know."

"Good." They were at the club, as they were pretty much every night. Harry was literally playing with his drink, soaring small glances at Louis. It had gone from coming by BGT to fuel his growing alcohol addiction to coming so he could get more obsessed with Louis. Zayn wasn't sure how that was going to turn out but at the moment, it was clearly better than the alternative.

"Though now that you mention it, there wouldn't really be any harm in actually telling him-"


"What? He'll laugh, c'mon... Okay, okay, I'm kidding. Lighten up, Zaynie."


"Bitch. Gorgeous bitch but bitch all the same."

"Reverse uno card because you're the pretty best friend."

"Counter reverse because you're the pretty best friend!"

"Don't care, called it first, you dumbass!" Harry was beaming and Zayn realised a second too late that he was about to get ambushed, whining when Harry jumped on him, quite nearly knocking both of them down to the floor. "You're a little shit, you know that?"

"Oi! Why is it that everytime I see you, you end up being on top of somebody?"

"Jealous? Cos you're free to switch places with Zayn, you know," Harry said with a flirtatious wink. Niall snorted, earning narrowed eyes and rose his hands.

"Whaaaat? Wrestling sounds like fun and I'd totally say yes but then I'd get murdered by your friend/lover/soulmate over there." Harry blushed and hid behind Zayn, who immediately shot innocent Nialler a glare.

"Look what you've done, now. Go do whatever work you're here for and fly right on out, will ya?"

"Ouch, I will, delivery boys just don't get respect anyway, even from friends. Gonna go give your boss this package, apparently it was sent for direct delivery to him by... Some guy named David Walliams? I dunno."

Niall came out absolutely beaming and texted Louis and Liam to take a break so he could share. When Liam refused, they went over there and took up space at the bar, Zayn and Liam still avoiding each other's gazes shyly like the stupid gay for each other idiots they were.

"Simon said he'd get me a job if I could just never repeat the contents of that parcel to anyone, ever. He made me sign a non-disclosure agreement and everything so... Give me a hand, boys, I'm gonna be the exclusive delivery boy for your bar! And he's giving me huge tips everytime, I never would've thought that number but I really can't say no to that so my paycheck's totally getting a bump up. We've gotta celebrate, finally a reward for my hardwork through an old dude's insecurities! #blessed"

The boys drilled him over and over, other than Liam and then Zayn once he saw how upset Liam was getting. They just really wanted to know what secret the big man on top was hiding. But Niall kept shaking his head and mouthing NDA till they gave up on him.

"Ah, well. I know just the place we could go, though! Fancier than this bar but still a bar, it's got music as well, though. Ooh, and my friend works there, maybe we can get discounts if I grovel enough! Tomorrow?" Everyone was on board except Louis who let out a long sigh before agreeing once he saw how hard both Niall and Harry were pouting at him. Adorable idiots, especially the idiot with the silky brown hair. He didn't know why Niall smiled harder by some magic when he agreed, it's not like they knew each other but it was nice to feel like his presence meant anything, even for a second.

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