Chapter 6

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"M'gonna go take a piss, guysssss!" Louis looked up and rolled his eyes. Harry didn't get drunk when he was around and it was good to know that he was just as much of a weirdo sober.

"Must you always announce that? Jesus-"

"That's what some call me. Wanna come with me and witness a miracle?" Louis said nothing but smiled slightly when Harry just wiggled his brows, watching him leave. Hazz was getting more comfortable being himself around him and that felt like a strangely good thing, up until Zayn leaned over the bar with a frown.

"God, Louis... what exactly are you doing flirting around with Harry when you're not even bloody interested?"

"What? M'not flirting with him, mate-"

"Oh, please. He can't stop talking about yesterday and you clearly aren't planning on stopping."

"Look... I was just being honest. It's what I do. I can't help that that... Dummy's still thinking about it. No wonder he's been glancing at me more than usual tonight."

"You're actually happy about that?" Was he? Louis straightened his expression, choosing to ignore that. Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look... I know things are getting a little more intense between you two but this is all a bad idea. Harry is going to want more soon enough but you cannot give into him. This is important, Louis. He's been doing so well so this is really. Fucking. Important. I wouldn't come over here and talk to you if it wasn't."

Give into him? He realised Zayn was talking about sex pretty quick, wondering who was gonna tell him that he was speaking with the wrong person about that topic. Still, he couldn't help but wonder why Zayn had so much interest in Harry's private life. A little caution was fine, they were friends after all but confronting someone and asking them to keep things non-sexual? "First off, Harry should be able to choose what he wants to and doesn't want to do, don't you agree? You don't get to puppet that... But either way, chill, man. I got it. I don't plan on it, anyway."

"So what? You're just playing with his feelings? Because yeah, I'm not cool with that either, man." Zayn's eyes narrowed and Louis arched a brow, surprised and curious. He was being a bit overprotective over Harry but Louis really couldn't totally fault him, at the same time. The boy was too cute and fragile for the world.

"I get a little worry, I do but this is getting old fast. Seriously, the lad has more sense and self-control than you think and so do I. He's not gonna overdo it, he justs enjoys flirting, is all."

"This... isn't my story to tell but I can tell you're not like those other guys. You'll understand and hopefully won't judge, either. This is just a warning in case anything happens? Harry was a bit of a sex addict, in the past. He equated sex with love a lot and it... Well, it was bad. Really bad.

"This thing between you two, whatever it is... It's only just started but I'm scared it'll reach a point where he'll want something, anything just so you can prove to him that you care about him. He'll try to get physical. Do me a favour and resist him, by any means necessary, because it will be hard. I can't watch him spiral like that, again, Louis, I can't. That person, the person the world saw back then, that wasn't him. That wasn't Harry. And it's been a long time so fuck, I know I should trust him but it'll be nice to have someone else help out just in case."

"Has he done that with you? Did you resist?"

"Happens with anyone he gets close enough to so yeah, when we were younger... I'd honestly rather not talk about that. It was a weird point in our lives together, we managed to pull through but our friendship struggled for a while afterwards. All of that could've been avoided if I kept things pg, though. Don't make the same mistake I made, man. For his sake, yours and mine. Please. He's doing so fucking well, mate, m'begging you."

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