Chapter 10

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"It's finally the weekend. Christ, I'm so tired. I would go through twenty-four hours watching the boring porn you high-libido individuals love just to not go back to that hell hole you work at."

"Yeah, yeah, you wouldn't have met Harry of you didn't work at the club, though." Liam had a triumphant expression in his face, even as Louis rolled his eyes and threw a slice of bread at his face.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"


"Mhmm. Well... There's something I wanted to ask you, by the way. Do you know any good places where I can get... Like..."

The moment Louis muttered about needing to get a tattoo over breakfast, Liam got up immediately, coming back minutes later with his laptop to demand he speak to a therapist. Christ. Louis didn't know on earth the muscular brunette knew one of his little secrets but he had no interest in visiting one of those expensive ass fuckers.

"Dude, it's just a tattoo-"

"No it's fucking not! Don't lie to me, Tomlinson, M'not fucking stupid!" Damn. He hated making Liam so pissed off that he yelled.

For goodness' sake, everybody on earth needed at least a little therapy, the damned thing should have been government sponsored or bloody subsidised for people like him, not that he would've given a rat's ass about going if he were rich anyway. Like pretty much all else, it was pointless. He couldn't be fixed.

And so, they had a back and forth where Louis would take a sip of his coffee, listen to Liam rant and prattle and worry then say "no" with no emotion, although the slightest of smirks grew on his face. Liam gave up and stopped talking, or so the unsuspecting roommate thought until  he grabbed hold of him instead of his coffee mug and easily pushed him into his room despite the bickering.

"Hello, Louis. Liam has told me a little bit about you. I'm Doctor Smith and-"

"Let me stop you right there. I want you to listen now and listen really fucking good." She was taken aback but Louis didn't give two shits about their difference in age, he never had. Older people tended to be more and more like dipshits. "I've got one thing to say to you. No. Goodbye, now-"

The door wouldn't budge. He let out a groan, spamming his hand against the door but Liam wouldn't hear it. "Louis, talk to her! Door's gonna be locked until I hear the muffled sound of a conversation."

"Well fuck you, then!" He sat down on his bed, stubbornly ignoring the woman for a moment. Then he switched off his video so she wouldn't be able to see him, letting out a long sigh. Well as long as someone who studied psychology was there, maybe there was something he could learn. "Since you're here, I might as well get professional tips on an issue I've got."

"Of course. Go right ahead."

"So there's this guy. Name's... Edward. Anyway, thing is, I've told him some shit about me, yeah? He knows I killed someone, well-aware life is a meaningless grey to me, shit like that."

"Alright, which of those issues do you want to speak about with me?"

"Oh fuck no. Here cos of Ed. Help me make it stop. It was never this hard before. For me I either tell the truth or refuse to answer but I can't say no to that idiot. He's fucking with my head. Hate it. Hate him."

"He asked you whether you had stabbed someone? That's rather specific."

"Nah, he asked for a secret, told him I'd gone to prison. Told him about the murder thing cos I just couldn't help it. And I haven't said that to anyone ever in my life. So again. Help me out."

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