Chapter 15

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"Harry, you gotta help me, it's a Liam thing again and it's really bad and I don't know what to do- and of course, you're here. I want so desperately to be surprised but after all the making out you did at my parlor, I don't think it's possible." Louis just rose his hands to give a peace sign from the kitchen, putting down his glass of water. "Keep him safe, will ya? Also, you didn't hear a word of that."

"Not scared of you and those smouldering dark eyes - Liam would be a puddle if he were in my place right now - but anyway, cool on both ends. Now get out, 'm chillin'."

"Uh... Shit. Seriously, you didn't hear any of that. Got it? Definitely don't tell your friend I said anything."

"Ah, see, but I did hear that. And it's fine, calm down. I already know you have a thing for him. You two make it obvious."

"He doesn't like me, Louis. I mean, I don't think..."

"Well, that's not quite denial. I'm surprised. What happened that made you change your mind?"

"Does it matter? I'm not sure you even care."

"I might not know you well, Zayn but Liam's someone I care about so if I can help you and help him at the same time, I want to. Besides, Harry might be a good listener but between both of us, I have a feeling I'd be more direct with my advice. I'm not the tyoe to bullshit anyone."

Zayn sighed and gave him a short, vague summary of what happened at the club the night before. Louis was quiet for a moment, then smirked slightly, meeting his eyes. "Well well, he did it. I'll be damned."

"I didn't even know he was... I'm jumping to conclusions. He's straight, isn't he? That was just an impulse thing. He said he got overwhelmed so... I'm probably just making a big deal out of nothing, right?"

"You tell me."

"Uh... Whatever. I don't even like him like that. I just got surprised, that's all. Don't tell him anything, Louis. Seriously."

"Sure. I won't. But just so ya know, I sucked Liam's dick, once." Zayn's right eye twitched on its own accord before he straightened his expression. Despite the blank look on his face, Louis could see that he was drumming his fingers rapidly against his thigh, trying to calm himself down.

"And why did you feel the need to say that?"

"You like him. Just admit it. Been kinda obvious since my first day at the club but luckily, he's oblivious and you're really good at the whole cold shoulder thing."

"Let's not talk about this, anymore."

"Fine by me, buddy."

"But did you really... Ya know?"

"Oh, yeah. Long story but I don't think you want the details. See, it all started when I got really fucking bored while I wasn't feeling so hot and-"

"Stop, alright? Yes, I like him. More than you need to know but I do. What the fuck is your endgame, here?"

"Nothing. But you've admitted it to me. Didn't take too long. Just a little jealousy and you jumped at the chance. Admit it to him, too."

"He probably doesn't like me-"

"He kissed you. And followed you home in-between shifts. My Liam. The idiot that loves and slaves away at that job and is too scared of Simon Cowell to even look at a man, let alone kiss one at the bar. But he doesn't like you. Right." Zayn rolled his eyes and Louis sighed, going further. "It doesn't matter. You do realise that, right? Fine. Keep on not telling him. Things stay awkward and cold between you. Tell him and he rejects you. Things stay awkward and cold and you can slowly find a way to move the fuck on. Or the best option, something really is there. Either way, you don't have much to lose. It's not like you guys are close in the first place or even talk at all at the moment."

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