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『 𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗎𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽     𝖽𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗌, 𝗍𝗑

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『 𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗎𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽
𝖽𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗌, 𝗍𝗑. 𝟫:𝟥𝟢 𝖺𝗆. 』

A FEW WEEKS after her December break, Venus was now back in her Dallas dorm room, getting ready to start her Monday off strong. During the last few weeks she'd been with Salem, her shyness had thawed out, allowing the two to become well acquainted with each other.

Venus came to find out for herself how clingy Salem could be. Being able to feel his presence wherever she went, she realized that he wouldn't be leaving her anytime soon.

The rustling and heavy movement of Kahara grabbing her backpack caught her attention, reminding her that she had to go to class soon.

"Hurry, we gon' be late!" Venus was practically dragged out of their dorm as her friend took her hand to guide her through the student halls. "You did not have to pull me like that, and we are not gonna be late. It's like nine forty-five." She frowned as she followed behind closely.

"You know they say being early is on time right? Being on time is practically late, c'mon now." Hara explained once they found a good pace to walk at. Venus kissed her teeth and snatched her arm away from her. "Who's they? I don't care who said what!"

"Ugh. Vee, you're no fun." Kahara jokingly whined, allowing her friend to walk beside her comfortably. As they continued walking through the bustling student halls, Venus couldn't help but reflect on the changes that had occurred in her life over the past few weeks.

Salem's presence had brought both excitement and a bit of unease into her world. While she enjoyed getting to know him better and the comfort of having someone around other than Kahara, the constant feeling of being watched sometimes made her anxious.

Kahara noticed how her friend became quiet as if she was in her thoughts and decided to break the silence. "So, you and 'Salem'? How's that going?" She thought to ask, remembering what Venus had told her over the holiday break.

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