Suddenly a pair of eyes locked with his own green eyes. They weren't uncle Vernon's brownish green eyes. They weren't filled with hate and despise.

Instead, the eyes were a beautiful shade of grey traced very lightly with a deep turquoise.

The eyes weren't filled with hate either. They were filled with tears and worry, and from the way Mrs. Weasley had looked at Ron back at King's Cross, they were also filled with love.

"Harry, pup. You're safe. That bastard isn't here. He can't hurt you." Sirius said softly.

"Who are you? Where am I? How do you know my name?" Harry whispered.

"I'm Sirius Black. I'm your godfather, pup. You're at my house in which you will be staying no matter what anyone says. You're my godson, I rescued you from your bloody relatives house earlier."

The boy's eyes widened at this.

"Sorry, language." Sirius said half smiling.

Harry tried to smile back but it hurt. He let out a soft hiss.

"Pup, I'm sorry I hurts but I have to heal you. It'll be over be for you know it. Do you mind if I take off your clothes so I can heal you?"

Harry shook his head lightly but groaned when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

"Okay, I'm going to place a warming charm on you so you don't get cold." Sirius said.

Harry didn't want to nod from the pain but gave a slight smile.

Sirius took Harry's jumper and jacket off, leaving him in just his underwear.

Harry blushed a deep shade of Gryffindor red and Sirius resisted the urge to smirk.

He cast multiple charms and spell on Harry until he was done about 20 minutes later and there was only light scars tracing the boy's body.

"Can you try and stand up for me? I don't know if you can walk." Sirius asked softly.

Harry nodded no longer feeling pain and got out of bed. He got up and while there was a bit of a sore on his leg, he could walk. He smiled at Sirius.

"I think you should take a bath and then I'll get some lunch settled for us in the the mean time. " Sirius said.

He led Harry to the washroom. "Bath or shower?" He asked the boy.

" Bath please." Harry replied.

Sirius turned on the bath. "There are towels in the cabinet over there. Take as long as you want. Use any of the soaps you see. I'll be back in a couple minutes with some clothes for you."

Harry nodded. Sirius left the room and Harry took off his little clothes and climbed into the bath.

He scrubbed his hair and wasn't surprised when the water turned crimson due to the dry blood.

Sirius popped in the room right then and gave a brief nod to Harry before setting a pile of clothes down on the counter and leaving.

Harry took 30 more minutes scrubbing blood and dirt out of his skin before he turned off the bath.

He wrapped a towel around his waist before he grabbed the clothes Sirius had left him.

A grey t-shirt, black night pants, and a pair of boxers.

He put the clothes on before leaving the room.

Sirius was waiting for his Godson outside. He had just heard the bath turn off and didn't want the boy getting lost.

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