What am I gonna do?

50 8 28

Wooyoung POV

I was pulled of of my sleep by my father banging on the bathroom  door, yelling at me,

"JUNG FUCKING WOOYOUNG IF YOU DONT GET YOUR GAY ASS HERE, ILL BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR ,AND YOU WONT LIKE WHAT ILL DO WITH YOU!!" He yelled, expecting to get a reaction out of me,but I would never give him that satisfaction and besides I was still numb from yesterday's events.

I checked my phone to see to see that it was  6:30. That means I have at least and two and a half hours to clean up my mess and prepare for the school day ahead.

(Time skip)

After cleaning up I took a shower I removed my clothes completely forgetting about the open wounds on my arm. Wave of pain flowed through my body as the the sleeve of the hoddies  and my arm made contact.

"How am I explain this to Sa-"  my sentence was cut short as I heard my phone notifications go off . I checked my phone only to see a message from San,


I'm picking u up today
See you in 15

I could feel my face heat up from his message . I lightly smiled to myself ,but them my earlier worry came back...how am I gonna explain this to him. I can't avoid him. Usually when I'm at this point the razor is my friend but I can't  right now ,i need something ,I know exactly why I need.
I quickly bandaged my arm and slowly and quietly exited the bathroom trying not to get my dad more up set than he already was. When I got to my room I pulled on a over sizes hoodie and a pair of sweats , slightly drying my hair  leaving it in its messy state. I tiptoed down stairs  still trying not to be heard by my father who had conveniently fallen a sleep on the couch.

"Where is it?...it was in here just yesterday, " I whispered frustratedly as I rummaged through my father's bag in search for my anti-depressant, that he hid from me .

A car horn was then heard from outside .
"Shit ...San.. How am I going to do this," I said to myself the verge of crying but I held together . I grabbed my bag which was by the door put on my shoes and left.


If y'all know a food therapist send the my way🙂🙂💜(Not book related ..I'm just depressed✌🏽😗✌🏽)

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