How should I feel?

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"Am I going to be ok" I asked myself thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong. I slowly close my front door and  turned around ,only to be face to face with San. Being a few inches away from eachother ,feeling his breath on my face, I knew I was blushing cause I saw San smirk  , so I hesitantly took a step back clearing my throat looking at the floor. Then I felt lift my chin being lifted, at this point I knew I was blushing for sure.

What if he find this repulsing?
What if he-
I was snapped out of my thoughts , now making eye contact with San. I felt myself become calm and stared into his beautiful Brown eyes.
"Cute," San then said bring me out of my trance." Come on let's go we'll be late for school,"he follows up, "o-oh yeah we should go," I agreed ,still very unsure about what just happened.

The  drive was quiet almost the awkward type ,at least that's what it felt like to me,San seemed unfazed by it ,it's probly just in my head.

"So,what happened last night?" San asked with a semi worried look , " did you get in trouble for coming home late?"
I looked at him with a blank face and said "uh ,yeah I did actually, but it's nothing," I looked down and began playing with my fingers anxiously, not wanting to continue the conversation. He let out a sigh ,pulled over to the side of the road and turned to me ,"Woo, you know I'm here for you no matter what right?" He gently said resting his hand on my leg, causing heart to skip a beat. "I do" I mumbled . He let put another sigh along with one of his adorable dimple smiles, I melted at the sight of it, he then turned his attention back to the road and began driving again, leaving had resting on my leg.

What should i take from this interaction? Yes San was always the caring type but he was never this touchy with anyone ..maybe his ex girlfriends but never me ,..not like this. " Dont think about it too much u just get yourself more hurt," I thought  now trying to ignore his hand.

What should I do now?
How should I feel?
I feel like I'm losing my mind.......

Today's thought of the day is brought to you By the letter 'M' ,As in 'Mental instability makes me fun'🙂

Anyway..hope u enjoy💜

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