Chapter 8-Kisses and Attemped Killings

Start from the beginning

"What in blazes!" he cries, gazing down at his wet clothes. I silently remove the coverlet from my legs, and then cross them underneath me as I twist my body to face him. Bubbles of laughter slip from my throat as he shakes his head like waterlogged dog. My laughter turns his heated stare towards me, his brow furrows in annoyance as I fall back on the bed with uncontrollable mirth.

"Oh, you think that's funny do you?" he mutters, walking over and peering down at me from the edge of the bed.

"I'm part crow I think everything is funny," I chuckle as I stretch out on the bed. The hem of my shift bunches up around my calfs, the material pulling tight around my chest and stomach. I glance up at him with hooded eyes, the corner of my mouth ticking up in a feral smile. His light blue eyes light up with hunger, hunger of the wolf that he his underneath that pale ivory skin.

"Well then," he whispers, low and husky as he climbs up on the bed and cages me with his strong arms. "How about I give you something to truly laugh about."

His breath flutters against my ear as he bends his head down, till his lips touch the delicate skin between my ear and neck. A low moan escapes my throat as I trail my hand down his back. His hands, swiftly wrapping themselves around my hipbones as he pulls me into a heated but tender kiss.

So enraptured is my mate, that he does not notice my hand unsheathe the knife from his belt. As he starts to pull down the blouse of my shift, I use my weight to roll him over. The momentum flopping his back hard on the bed with me straddling his hips, the knife grazing the fabric over his heart.

"You are a handsome one mate, but your still a male, and a dumb one at that," I purr, my head cocking to the side as I drag the knife up to his throat. "Tell me why I should trust you with my life and body. Tell me how you will protect the children that will one day share our blood. Give me your vow, or I will leave this room and let you ache with need."

He sighs as he bends his head back to stare at the bed canopy overhead. His chest moving up and down against me, the tell tale sign of his desire growing more noticeable beneath my flushed skin.

"Moon Goddess preserve me," he sighs.
"Fine, I Soren Delow of the Luxian Royal line, vow that I will protect the virtue and honor of Nadia Akara O'Dell of the Bellator Virgo clan, and all the children that will one day share our blood."

His eyes pierce my own. Hunger written plainly in their depths beneath the rings of pride, annoyance, and love. I sink so deeply into them, that I don't notice him roll us over and pinning my body to the bed, until it's too late. My knife then slips from my grip and onto the floor.

"Will that do, little crow?" he growls, sending shivers down my spine. He kisses a trail down my throat, my hands stretch out to find the indentation between the mattress and the bed frame. As he tries to spread my legs apart with his hands, I grab the hilt of the sword with both hands and strike. Metal rings against metal, my muscles straining from my seated position. The blade of my sword screeching against Soren's own.

"Oh how I've missed this," he says, voice heavy with concentration and strain.

"It was only for one night," I scoff,  kicking him in the stomach and scooting off the bed with as much grace as I could muster.

Stumbling to my feet, I curse whoever put me in this ridiculous dress. It feels like I'm fighting naked, of which I have on occasion. I settle into a fighting stance, my feet spread apart and sword raised at my opponent.

"Yes but it was such a glorious and revealing one," Soren drawls, coming around the other side of the bed.

The tip of his sword points towards the ground, as he stalks over with that same predatory intent that I know so well. It makes my blood run hot, a bubbling fizzing feeling that has me yearning to fight, to play as the crow does with its toys.

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