Chapter Fifteen: The Aquarium

Start from the beginning

"You two are the most experienced rider on this team. You are meant to be role models, not idiotic camp counselors making both teams do dangerous things on horseback," Antonio continues.

Neither one of them responds. The whole coach is silent. Antonio and Justin share a look before Antonio sighs.

"You will both will now remain in your motel rooms for the rest of the time we are in Townsville, do you understand?" 

Both of the boys nod.

"You will also not be competing this weekend," Antonio announces.

Elias mutters to himself about how it is unfair, his face going red while Alex scoffs. 

"Dad, it is one of the biggest shows of the year, we can't-"

"Fate silenzio entrambi. Questa è colpa tua e devi riconoscerlo," Antonio shouts.

Elias and Alex fall silent, both seeming to understand what Antonio has just said.

"This is so wrong," I mumble. 

Alex shouldn't be taking the fall for me! 

Once again I try to stand, I have to stop this, but someone yanks me back into my seat. I stare at Lily like she is insane. She only shakes her head at me.

"I'm going to let you all get off the bus now. Alex and Elias straight to your room. Everyone else be back here in fifteen minutes," Antonio instructs.

We all murmur our thanks and begin to stand in our seats, gathering our gear. 

"Why wouldn't you let me say anything?" I hiss to Lily.

She wipes the tears off her face. "Because Alex is doing something nice for you. Just accept that."

"He shouldn't be taking the blame!"

"Alex has gone to thousands of competitions before, Maddie. He will be okay with missing this one," Lily shrugs.

I roll my eyes and sling my bag onto my back. I make my way down the aisle, dodging Elias as he tries to grab my arm. I have to work out a new plan to get Margo's necklace back. I can't keep doing this.

The top of Alex's head disappears out the bus doors. I quickly try and catch up and step off the bus, into the car park. I spot him talking with Sienna.


At the same time, Sienna and Alex turn their heads to look at me, their identical ice blue eyes, staring me down.

"Coming to say thank you, Maddie?" Sienna scoffs.

I try and breathe and ignore her tone.

"Yes actually," I snort as I approach the two.

"It was quite the stunt you and Elias pulled off last night," she grunts.


"No Alex, why would you take the fall-"

"Sienna!" Alex snaps, causing his cousin to shut up. "Can you leave us to talk?"

Sienna looks at Alex, then at me, then back at Alex. She scoffs before turning and marching away. Alex and I fall into an awkward silence. It is early in the morning, the sun has barely risen but the memories and tension from last night haven't disappeared.

"Sorry about her," Alex eventually murmurs. "She can be-"

"No," I say, cutting him off. "She has every right to be mad."

Alex raises an eyebrow.

"Why would you take the fall for me, Alex? I was the one that first said it was a good idea to follow Elias's plan. It wasn't you," I cry.

Madison v.s The Travelling Exchange StudentsWhere stories live. Discover now