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Iston POV

We broke camp early in the morning and moved as fast as possible towards Gondor. I've been moving back and forth from my army to the front to plan with Theoden and Eomer. Now we are stopped by a lake. There are no more plans to make until we reach Gondor and I sit with Eomer, waiting for the scouts to return.

"You're worried about him." Eomer says, casually. I turn my head toward him. "I've never seen you worried before."

"No, you've just never seen me look worried before. I'm worried all the time. About all of you." I look around and realize that I'm looking for Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn. It's been a long time since I've been without them.

"It's good I think to be scared for other people. It just means you care." Eomer runs a hand over his horse's mane.

"Very true." I look at him curiously. "I see you have grown to care for them as well."

"You four, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and you, you saved Rohan. I know that. You know I care about you. And the other's have grown to be good friends as well. Aragorn, he is an incredible leader. Gimli, well, it is always good to have a dwarf by your side. And Legolas..." He trails off, a look crosses his face that seems to confirm my suspicions and I find myself laughing.

"You are terrible at hiding it." I say. "If you think I didn't see you talkinging to him for hours, or riding next to him every chance you get, you are wrong. I saw him go to say goodbye to you just before he left with Aragorn."

"Is it really that obvious." Eomer winces.

"Maybe just to me, because I know you both so well." I can't help but smile.

"He doesn't know how I feel."

"He might know." I reason. "Elves are like that you know."

"You're not wrong. You're like that. Right now." Eomer jokes, pretending to be upset.

"It doesn't matter. He won't say anything until you do. And you should tell him, before this is all over. There is a chance we will not survive this. There is no time to waste on fear." I remember my grandmother saying something so similar to me back in Lorien and can't help but smile. It worked out so well for us. Eomer looks forward into the distance.

"I know. I should. I will." He leans forward. "A scout!"

A horseman races up to us, his horse rearing as he stops it in front of us. He gives us the information he has and then rides away to find something to eat and drink.

"I suppose it is time then." Eomer says, looking at me.

"I'll get the elves ready to move forward." He nods and rides closer to the men and up next to his uncle.

"The scouts report Minas Tirith is surrounded. The lower level is in flames. Everywhere, legions of the enemy advance." Eomer yells out. I ride around to where the elves stand at the ready.

"Time is against us. Make ready!" Theoden yells.

"Prepare to move out!" Eomer rides in between the soldiers of Rohan who are quickly gathering themselves.

"Make haste. We ride through the night." Theoden calls out as the horses begin to assemble. The elves fall in behind the men as we start our march again.

"To battle." I mutter to myself, looking out at the army.


Aragorn POV

The mercenaries' ships sail down the river. Legolas, Gimli, and I wait on the shore.

"You may go no further." I call to them.

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