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Aragorn POV

I wake early the next morning and as soon as I open my eyes I remember. He loves me and I'm already smiling. Legolas sits out on the platform in the morning light.

"You came back late last night." He says in greeting as I sit next to him.

"Yes" I say and he gives me a look. "I was with Iston."


"And I told him how I feel."

"Good." Legolas says, looking out over Lothlorien. "I assume he felt the same."

"Yes." I answer and he cracks a smile at me.

"Good. You both deserve each other. Stubborn, high born, mysterious, and neither of you ever lose a fight."

"Sometimes we can be kind."

"True. Every once in a while. You can be kind."

I laugh and he does also.

As the sun comes up, the rest of the fellowship wakes and begins to move around.

"It is still beautiful in the daylight." Sam says, looking out onto Lothlorian.

"Yes it is." says Frodo, looking around in wonder.

"Would you like to see more of it?" Iston asks, stepping up to the group.

"Yes!" Pippin says loudly.

"I would." Sam agrees.

"I suppose if all of you really want to, I'll come along." Gimli says, trying to sound upset.

Iston leads us around the trees and platforms. He shows us an impressive library, an observatory where they watch and chart the stars, and he takes us to the highest point in Lorien where we can look over the land for miles.

We walk towards where we met with Galadriel and Celeborn. Suddenly a small figure darts out and attaches itself to Iston.

"Elvion! Nin adar's gwanur."

"Arwen, Dilthen tinu, I did not know you were still here." He says bending down. I see that the figure is in fact a young elvish child. She looks remarkably like Iston.

"I didn't know you were here until I heard them talking about you." The child says, hanging onto Iston.

"Did you just hear them or were you listening to them?" He asks her and she giggles.

"Who are they?" She asks, peering over at us.

"They are friends."

"What kind of friends?"

"Would you like to meet them?" The child nods. "Well go ahead, introduce yourself." 

"You're not coming with me?" She looks a little bit afraid. I see the fellowship try to relax their posture. Even Gimli tries to smile kindly at the young elf. 

"I already know them."

The child moves forward timidly. She stands in front of us and says "I am Arwen, Daughter of Elrohir and Evenstar of Rivendell." She says formally.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Frodo Baggins of the Shire." The hobbit responds.

"I am Samwise Gamgee also of the Shire." 

"I'm Merry" The hobbit says smiling.

"And I'm Pipin." The other echos.

"Arwen Evenstar of Rivendell, it is an honor to meet you again." Legolas says with a nod.

There Is No Time For Fear (Aragorn x oc)Where stories live. Discover now