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noun ~ the quality of being able to produce offspring

Phoenix knocked before entering, his hand holding mine gently. I followed him in, my eyes scanning the room. I found Kate standing from her chair with an unusual paleness to her skin. I wasn't sure if anyone had mentioned it, but she looked...different. Walking closer, I discreetly sniffed at her and Cel bristled to help me uncover it. Her nose was exquisite and her ability to connect to deeper things that I could, helped a lot.

Cel pulled back almost instantly, a satisfied purr escaping her mouth. She's with child.

My eyes widened and they fell to Kate's stomach on instinct. She was the same shape, merely covered in scrubs and a white gown. She must've noticed my gaze because her hands tightened her gown. I looked back to her face to see her eyeing me but when my green eyes met her brown they shifted nervously. She hadn't told anyone, or she had only just found out.

I glanced to Phoenix to see if he had picked up on the sweetness to her scent but he didn't let onto it. I knew Kate was half-human, so it intrigued me that she had fallen pregnant; it was usually difficult for half-breed wolves to populate. She was born from a human mother to a wolf father, from what I remember. She could shift but wasn't very strong. Her mate was also a doctor but spent most of his time patrolling. I had never met him, but to be a patrol wolf you had to be quick and strong; so I knew he'd protect her right away.

"Afternoon, Alpha, Luna." She spoke, snapping me out of the trance. "How can I help?"

"As I mentioned, I'd just like her to have a check-up. It's been a long time since she's had one." Phoenix spoke for me.

Kate cleared her throat and turned her gaze back to me. "You alright with that Nova? Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded. "I'm okay, never been better... Are you?"

She blushed and nodded, turning to her computer. "Shall we start with height and weight?"

Phoenix hummed an agreement and let go of my hand. "Want me to stay?"

I nodded shyly at him, feeling comforted by his calmness. He smiled at me before sitting down in one of the armchairs by the wall. I followed Kate over to the height chart and she recorded that I was still the same height; 161cm tall. Next was my weight and I hesitantly stood on the scales, my eyes falling to the numbers that materialised at the change. When it finally settled, I turned to Kate to gauge her reaction. She grinned, telling me to step away and go sit in the chair by her desk.

"So, when you came to me you were ninety-four pounds, and now you are one hundred and ten. That's a sixteen-pound increase, well done Nova." She smiled. "The scale estimates that you have a good amount of muscle weight there, so the training has been working well. How do you feel?"

"Okay, I suppose." I smiled nervously. "I don't feel like... like I have put on that much weight..."

"Baby steps, Nova. It takes time to regulate a diet and routine before you even gain weight. You've done brilliantly considering what you have been through lately." She soothed me.

I smiled at her before she continued to talk about my diet and exercise routines. It wasn't much different, she just wanted me to stick to the three meal diet Phoenix had gotten me into the past month. I exercise twice a week, intensely with Sean to make up for my slack. He had eased off however since I had mated with Phoenix I was slightly stronger. It was just my stamina and speed I needed to work on.

"Right, so just a blood and urine sample left." She smiled.

I nodded and like routine, excused myself to the restroom and left the sample on the toilet seat. I had felt awkward when doing this in the past, but Kate never showed any reaction to caring. It was just her job, I reminded myself as I left the bathroom. I saw her and Phoenix in hushed conversation which silenced when I entered.

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