Ep.1 Familiar Faces Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Well, the past is in the past. Let's not dwell on it." He said, taking his hand away from her shoulder. Clem nodded with agreement. 

"So, is Richmond okay? You're a far way away from it." She looked at him curiously and his smile disappeared. His hands returned to his sides and he sighed.

"Yeah. Richmond is fine, for now at least. Something happened a couple months back. A new group emerged from the rubble and tried attacking our town. Luckily our defences are pretty strong right now and we managed to get them to flee. I volunteered to come out here and find them, to figure out why they were targeting us but we lost their trail. We were gonna head back today actually, so it's a good thing you guys caught us when you did." The rest of the group was quiet as they listened in on this conversation, not daring to interrupt because they wanted to know more about Clementine's past, but as soon as the words "new group" left his mouth, they all looked at each other in panic. Clementine looked worried which Javier noticed and before she could ask more questions he added that the Groups name was Neander and they passed by these woods a couple weeks ago. 

"We haven't spotted them since then and we think they fled further East." He pointed towards the forest. "We are tired and running low on food, this trade will get us through the journey back to Richmond so thank you." Javier smiled, trying to lighten the shifting mood. Clementine nodded, giving him a tight lipped smile.

Neander. She couldn't help but have a very bad feeling about this group. They attempted to attack a heavily guarded town, what's gonna keep them from trying to raid a school filled with kids? There is no way she would let anything bad happen to her people, they have to prepare. She pushed the feelings aside for now, she had an old friend to trade with anyway. She sighed then looked over to Louis. Just seeing him made her feel ten times better. She walked over to him, put her crutch in her other hand and placed an arm around his waist. He placed his arm around her shoulders. 

"I'm glad to know that a good friend of mine didn't kill the both of you. I don't know what I would do with myself." She shook her head and the others chuckled. Javi shrugged.

"They were sulking around, I gave 'em a warning shot." 

"It gave me a heart attack!" Louis said, dramatically grabbing his chest. Clem smirked at them for a brief moment then returned back to her seriousness.

"Which only means we need to do this faster, cause walkers could be here any moment." She said, beginning to remove herself from Louis' side.

 "Oh yes, we saw the muertos, they were pretty far from this area but you're right, sorry about that." Javi replied sheepishly. She gave him her own shrug then turned around to head into the kitchen.

"Then follow me. Come with me AJ, I need your assistance." He beamed at being asked for help and jogged to Clem's side.


Clementine entered the kitchen and motioned for AJ to go into the floor. He lifted the floorboards and disappeared beneath them. Javier stood beside Clementine, his arms folded then he glanced down at her leg.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how did you-"

"Lose my leg?" She finished his sentence. He nodded once. "Long story short, I got bit." She looked down at her stump with a sad smile. Javier raised his eyebrows with surprise.

"How did you know it was going to work?" She half shrugged.

"I didn't. I didn't do it, and I didn't choose to do it. I was losing a lot of blood. Before I got bit, we were in a fight that got my leg sliced open in the process, and when we tried to run away, that's when a walker caught my leg. I was getting tired. I couldn't move. I told him...I told AJ to leave without me. I wasn't going to make it." She took a deep breath and slowly released it. 

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