35: Zemblanity

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I've been working at the cafe for about a week now.

Chuuya supported me in all my decisions and made sure I felt safe. I was extremely grateful for him. We both have been working a lot to pay rent and try to find a new place. However, I felt bad that his job was a lot harder than mine. All I did was pour coffee in to mugs while he was fighting against crime.

"Here you go" I smiled at a customer before handing him his drink. "This tastes delicious" he commented after taking a sip. I smiled in satisfaction before making my way back behind the bar. "Hey Y/n could you go to the back and get some new coffee beans?" Kenji asked. "Sure" I said before walking to the storage room.

As I entered the room, the door slammed shut. I turned around in shock. I pulled the handle but the door didn't open. I started banging on the door and calling out for help. It seemed as if no one could hear me. I didn't have my phone on me, they were forbidden during work hours. My anxiety was increasing as I nervously started fidgeting with my hands. Eventually someone would find me, right?

Time passed by and still no one came to open the door. I started feeling dizzy. I was hungry and the room was reminding me of bad memories. "Please just.. anyone" I said as I looked at the door. I wished Chuuya was here. He'd know how to calm me down.

Chuuya's P.O.V

"Here's an icepack" Tanizaki said. "Thanks" I groaned as I placed it on my lip. "They really beat you up good" he said. "Shut up" I said annoyed. "They were with too many" I pointed out. "Whatever" Tanizaki laughed. I spat onto the ground.


"Shit" I cursed under my breath. "You need to take it easy" he said. "How about you go home for the rest of the day and take a break?" he suggested. I nodded. It seemed like a good idea. Not to mention, I was starting to miss Y/n. I missed her presence and spending time with her. I've been so caught up with work that I've forgotten to make time for her.

I decided to visit her at her work.

Your P.O.V

I was feeling cold and my legs were shaking.

I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the door opened. "Kenji what took you so long to realise-" I started but looked up to see Chuuya. I froze in place. He had a busted lip and a wound above his eyebrow. "Are you ok?" I asked worried as I rushed over to him. "Yeah it's just some stuff that happened at work" he said. I examined his face. "Have you been crying?" he suddenly asked. "No" I mumbled. "Maybe I got teary-eyed, but I didn't cry" I said. "Who locked you up here?" he asked. "No one, Kenji just asked me to-" I started but we both turned around to see Kenji walking towards us.

His facial expression changed when he saw Chuuya. "Hey" he said and smiled. "What do you mean hey?" Chuuya asked in an aggressive tone. "You locked her up in the storage room" he pointed out. Kenji let out a laugh. "Come on now. Me? Locking someone up? I'm not crazy" he said. Chuuya took a step towards him and grabbed him by his shoulders before staring into his eyes. "Chuuya don't" I said. "Kenji is a nice guy" I told him. Chuuya raised his eyebrows and looked at Kenji. "How am I supposed to believe that when you didn't even check up on her after realising she disappeared" Chuuya said.

As Chuuya was looking at Kenji, I noticed him examining Chuuya's face. "I thought she took a break" he then said. Chuuya looked away and sighed. "You're lying" he said and balled his fist. "I'm not. I would never purposely hurt anyone" Kenji said.

I felt myself getting nauseous and dizzy. I didn't know how to stop them from fighting. "Please just let him go" I said. "He's a good person" I added. "He has been really nice to me" I pointed out. Chuuya tightened his grip around Kenji. "You're hurting me" Kenji said, his eyes turning dark in anger. "I don't like pain" he pointed out before pushing Chuuya away with force. Chuuya stumbled back and looked at Kenji who seemed to be mad.

"You're so stupid" Kenji then said. Chuuya looked at him confused. "You think I don't know who you are" he said. "Gravity manipulation?" he then asked. Chuuya's eyes widened. "H-How?" he asked. Kenji let out a laugh. A laugh that sounded rather malicious. He suddenly pulled up his shirt revealing a big scar. "Remember me now?" he asked. Chuuya seemed to have frozen in place.

"You" Chuuya said in shock. "I heard you killed Mori" Kenji said. "You must have gotten really strong" he added. "I didn't kill him" Chuuya said. Kenji tilted his head to the side. "Huh?" he asked. "Are you playing games with me?" he asked with a grin. Chuuya took a step back. I had never seen him back out of a fight. In fact, it was the only time I would ever see him happy.

"You hurt me back then" Kenji said. "You left me to rot" he added. "You left me there as some sort of prey" he said as tears formed in his eyes. "Why!?" he then yelled. "Why did you leave me!?" he yelled as tears streamed down his face.

Chuuya remained quiet.

"Answer me!" he screamed. I looked over at Chuuya who was avoiding eye contact. "You thought I'd die didn't you? You thought you'd never have to face me again. That I'd be finished for good. Well surprise.. I'm alive" he said. "I won't let you get away with what you did to me" he added.

"So tell me.." he started.

"How do you want to die?" he finished.

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