Chapter 1

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The Bardic Whisper


The moon is shining throughout the night sky giving it light until dawn. A figure can be seen walking down a narrow alley. When the figure reach the end of the alley a white dove with golden feathers flew above him giving him a letter and vanishing away instantly.

The figure was wearing a black turtleneck trench coat with spiked shoulder armor and a red scarf. Putting the guitar case he was holding from his left hand to the floor, he opened and read the letter.

Orders from her Majesty:

Illegal trafficking of demi-humans in the Rabier Region. Infiltrate the region and cut off all the routes to the main capital. Weaken/destroy their operation if possible. Await further instructions after the mission is finished.


After reading the letter, he crumpled the letter and summon a tinder spell burning it. Picking up his guitar case the figure walked out of the ally and disappeared into the night.


People come running towards an abandoned cemetery in the middle of the storm at night. Decked out in amour and weapons. These are the knights of Castle Gorge.

A figure with blonde hair with olive eyes can be seen in the midst of silver armor. Carrying a single-handed rapier and wore elegant amour. The 1st born of House Baroque, Lancelot.

 The 1st born of House Baroque, Lancelot

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Lancelot: Search the premises!

Knight-Captain: You heard the young master. Move it, men!

Knights: Yes sir!

They entered the Crunch and what awaits them was a gruesome scene.

Bodies of seven men lay on the floor. Some even had missing limbs. Their faces were mangled no one can identify them. The floor was covered with blood. There were blood writings on the walls by the corridors with the missing limbs of the dead men hanging from the ceiling. The writing seems to be a musical chart for a song.

Beside it, there was a symbol. A symbol that Lancelot knew all too well. A symbol of guitar embedded in a gun.

Lancelot:  'I appreciate the help old friend. But this is too gruesome, even for me.'

After reminiscing about the past he ordered the knights to gather all the gold and jewelry along with the bodies of the dead bandits. With that, they sent a crew to clean up the church and its surroundings.


It was already dusk when he arrived at the Rabier Region. Wearing a black hood, he close the distance between him and the mansion where it was said that the illegal trafficking was operating.

Blending in the shadows he slips by the guards patrolling the area.

???: "Hmm... A magic alarm that is triggered if an unregistered individual set foot in the premises."

He voiced out his thought before pulling a blue key from the pocket of his trenchcoat. He threw the key slightly in front of him and it began to glow white while levitating.

???: "Oi cat boy. You there?"

???2: "How many times do I have to tell you to don't call by that name! I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW AND ITS HARRITH! H-A-R-R-I-T-H! HA-RRIT"

A screen appeared from the key and an angry demi-human pouting was seen from the other side of it. He has ashen white hair and deep gold eyes.

 He has ashen white hair and deep gold eyes

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???: "Don't care. I need you to update 'whisper' to pass this magic alarm."

Harith: "Oh, fine. Give me a minute. The black orb in your guitar case will glow a blonde color indicating that the upgrade is finished. "

???: "Thanks."

Harrith: "Yeah yeah. Seriously Y/n when are you going to stop calling those weird nickname?"

Y/n: "When the world ends."

Y/n: "I have a mission to finish. Inform Tig that I'm at the target. "

Harith: "yeah got it. See ya"

Y/n: "see ya, furry."

With that last insult, the conversation of the two ended. The key glowed red before going back to Y/n's pocket. Seconds later the black orb in the middle of his guitar case started to glow a blonde color.

Y/n: 'alright, let's see what you got whisper.'

He held his guitar case perpendicular to his chest and uttered...

"*Change form: Chanter to Whisper.*"

A dim light covered him from head to toe. After the light disappeared his appearance also change.

His black hair with white stripes became blonde. His black trenchcoat became a dark green color along with his eyes. The scar on his left eye also disappeared. While his gun and guitar case we're now gold in color instead of their natural black.

Now in his new form (Y/n) infiltrated the city.


*Change form. It is one of the most powerful technique the Heroes of light can use. With the help of the orb in their weapons they manifest mana to change into their chosen 'form'. Different form comes with different attributes.

In Y/n's chase his original form 'Death Chanter' is his regular form maintaining the steady damage output of his weapons. His second form 'Bardic Whisper' is use mainly for stealth and infiltration.


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