14. Nobody else

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"And if heaven doesn't want us, would you go with me to hell? Hope you know I don't want nobody else"


I take a deep breath and bring the landline phone to my ear. It takes a few rings for them to pick up.

"Hello...? Is somebody there?"

My vision gets blurry with tears and I swallow loudly, "Mom?"

"Oh!" she cries out, "My dear boy.. Oh, Joseph, baby.. Are you alright?" "I'm good, how are you?" I ask quickly. "I am good, I'm back home..." "I miss you, Mom." "Where are you? What happened? I've been trying to call you.. Your phone goes straight to voicemail every time."

"I- I lost my phone", I lie, "I'm in Iceland with Taylor." "The girl you met at Grace's wedding?" she's surprised, I hear it in her voice.

"Yes. You can't tell anyone we're here though. Or that we're together, okay Mom?" "Why? What's going on?"

"Don't you worry, Mom. Can you- Can you tell Patrick I called? Ask him if he will tell Grace and Draven I'm okay?"

She doesn't answer me for a minute until she takes a deep, shaky breath.

"No. You tell him yourself! What do you think you're doing? You just leave without saying as little as goodbye! You disappear and nobody knows where you are! The police are looking for you right now! Or for your body, they don't know! I don't know, nobody knows, Joseph! Don't you have any idea how stressed I've been?! How much Patrick is suffering from this! He can't even think of paying attention in class!"

"Oh my God-" I had not even thought of the police yet. Of course they called the police.

"Don't you understand how worried I was? I still am, you used to tell me everything, Joe! And now, suddenly, you are gone! Iceland! You're not even on the continent anymore!" My chin trembles and I squeeze my eyes shut. "Mom, I am so sorry... I just.. I miss you and I needed to hear your voice. I needed to know if you were.. if you-" I'm sobbing and I can't even pronounce words anymore.

"Keep breathing, sweetie.. Joe, breath..."

"I- I- I can't..."

"Joe. Listen to me. Breathe. In and out... Just like you used to tell me during the weeks after Dad passed away. Just breathe...." her calming, motherly voice helps a little and when I can breathe again I whisper, "I love you and I will explain. I will come home. I don't know when. Not yet. But I will come home and I will be there for you. And for Patrick."

I hear that shower's being turned off and I bite my lip, "Mom, I gotta go. Please, don't tell anybody where I am.. I love you. And please, please, please tell Patrick I called. I love you so much. Stay safe, see you soon. Stay safe." "Joe-" But I hang up and I hit the wall angrily with my fist.

"Fuck!" I grunt, throwing a random cup across the room. It splatters against the wall.

I sink down on the bed and my head falls into my hands. I can't stop crying and I can't breathe..

I miss home, but if I leave.. No, I can't leave Taylor alone. And I can't go home either, they will be there waiting for me. And I can't handle them. I probably can't even handle one of them. I need more training.

Or else I will die and I- "Fuck!" I scream again, pulling my hair, "Bloody fucking hell." Why did I not fall in love with a girl with a normal life?

No, it is not her fault, I can't blame her. Or her life. It isn't her fault. It's Morris' and his stupid friends' fault!

"Wankers.." I hiss, pulling my hair again.

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