Chapter 1 - Welcome to the London ton.

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Grosvenor Square 1814

"Dearest reader, the time has come for the new upcoming social season. Consider, last year season, full of scandals and trials, ending with the Marriage of the love match of the season between Miss Bridgerton, now Duchess and the Duke of Hastings.

With the return to London of the Duke of Wellington to present his daughter Miss Wellesley in front of the Queen and all the other debutantes wishing to secure a match, I believe this season shall be as entertaining as the last."

Wellesley Estate

Alina felt the tears running silently down her cheeks as she watch the gardens in front from her window. Her father, the Duke of Wellington, had brought her to London with him to present her in front of the queen and to surely have her married and out of his view as rapidly as possible.

The door of her room opened and her maid Lily entered : "Miss, Lady Danbury is here and wish to see you, shall I accompany you to the drawing room ?"

Alina wiped her cheeks rapidly and made sure her appearance was correct in front of her mirror. "Yes, please Lily, that will be great".

In the drawing room, imposing and impeccable as always stood Lady Danbury. Alina curtsied in front of her "It is pleasure to see you Lady Danbury"

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Wellesley, you look beautiful". Alina chuckled, she knew Lady Danbury could easily see her read eye and puffy cheeks but the old lady was only teasing for she was the closet thing that Alina had for a mother since hers passed away many years ago.

"Would you like some tea, Lady Danbury ?"

"I would love to". The two Ladies sat in the drawing room, enjoying tea and catching up for lost time.

"I know that making your debuts can be terrifying Alina but you will do just fine. To be blunt and honest, I must prefer have you here in London than closeted in Wellington with that father of yours." Said Lady Danbury. It was no secret that the duke of Wellington was an awful man. But he was powerful and so, he was not questioned and was really good at paying people off to keep quiet. Lady Danbury knew of the poor treatment Alina received from her father and it pained her to no end to see this brillant young lady so frightened and fragile.

"Beside, who knows, maybe you will find yourself falling in love in London, Alina and you may marry someone you will love".

Alina chuckled bitterly and took a deep, shuddering breath. Marrying for love was not an option, she knew that, for her father had already sold her to someone. She was thankful for the presence of the elder Lady in her life. Lady Danbury had basically raised her since her father was often away on business and she was left in the care of the Lady along with Simon Basset. The Countess had made sure the two of them received education and loved them both as her own.

"I wish you were right Lady Danbury, but I am afraid it should not happen".

Gentlemen's club, London

"Lord Bridgerton !" Came the gruff voice of the Duke of Wellington.

"You grace", responded Lord Brigderton while shaking the man's hand.

The Viscount of Bridgerton had deemed love to be a problem and that removing it from all romantic relations shall make it all the better for him. That is why, when the Duke of Wellington had approached him to discuss an arrangement between his daughter and him, the Viscount was quick to agree. He shall have a wife to make his mother content and the union between the two families would be largely profitable for his family fortune.

"My daughter has arrived in town yesterday, Bridgerton, she knows of the arrangement but maybe it would be good for you and your family to meet her before her presentation before the Queen ?"

"Indeed, your grace, my family would gladly have you for tea tomorrow afternoon, this way we will be able to introduce everyone properly".

"Good idea, Lord Bridgerton, I shall see you tomorrow, Good day".

Bridgerton house, London

"Anthony, here you are, dinner is served, make haste" came the voice of Lady Bridgerton, when the Viscount entered the house.

Everyone was seated at the table enjoying dinner. Including the newly returned Duke and Duchess of Hastings with their new born son.

"We shall received visitors for tea tomorrow and I would like it if everyone was present." Stated Anthony.

"Who, shall we received ?" Asked his mother.

"The Duke of Wellington and his daughter. I have arranged with the Duke that she and I are to marry and I wish for you all to meet her before her debut."

"You are to be married !", "When was that decided ?", "Why didn't you tell me ?"

Exclamations followed Anthony announcement. His mother was the loudest, clearly put off by her son's proclamation. The Duke of Hastings face was dark, since the mention of the Duke of Wellington. He hated the man and thought him perhaps even worst than his own father and Alina was a close friend of his for they had spend their whole childhood together with Lady Danbury.

"The Duke wish to marry his daughter and I wish to marry as well, the arrangement is profitable for both our families and that will be all that will be said about the matter." Cut Anthony's cold voice.

The Viscountess wore an expression of incredulity in front of her son's coldness and the rest of the family was clearly uncomfortable, for they did not know what to do with this new information.

After dinner and the departure of the Duke and Duchess for their estate, the Viscount had retreated to his office. When his mother entered, he was not surprised.

"Anthony, can we talk about that arrangement ? Are you sure of what you are doing ?" His mother pleaded.

"You wished for me to marry, mother and that is what I am doing. The Wellesley family is a powerful and respected family and their daughter is a perfectly suitable match for me."

"But, what about love, Anthony ?"

"Love is a distraction, Mother, that I will not let distract me from my responsibilities. It has been arranged with the Duke that we will make believe to a love match, so that our families reputations remained intact. Miss Wellesley, will make her debut like any other debutante, we will court for awhile before the proposal and we shall be married by the end of the season. There is no need to further discussion. Good night."

Defeated, Violet Bridgerton retreated from her son's office, wondering when he had become so cold toward and manipulative toward love.

Anthony, released a deep breath. He knew it was for the best. He shall have a wife as society demanded from him and his family reputation will remain spotless. Love was a distraction and a problem that he did not need.

Wellesley Estate, London

Alina was once again in her room, sprawled across her bed, replaying her father words in her head.

"You will meet Lord Bridgerton and his family tomorrow for tea. I will not tolerate any discussion. You are to marry him and play the part of a love match. You shall be quiet and not cause any scandal." She had tried to change his mind, begged him to let her make her own choice, screamed that she would not marry a man she did not know and did not love. It had ended, as it has before by the Duke delivering a sharp blow to his daughter. Making her fall on the floor, sobbing and powerless.

Her cheek was stinging were she was hit and she was sure it will leave a mark, the Duke would probably have an excuse for her bruised face, as always.

She was tired, numb. There were not tear left for her to cry, no strength in her to fight. She felt utterly helpless as she fell in a tormented slumber. 

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