"So...," I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"You ever made a wire transfer?," Stiles questioned, looking between my brother and I.

"Never had enough money," Scott replied immediately.

"So you didn't understand it either," Stiles stated.

"I didn't understand any of it," Scott responded in a rush, glancing down at the boom box.

"Neither did I," I told them, butting my way back into the conversation. "I don't understand any of it."

"Why would someone want all this money, just to kill us?," Scott rhetorically asked.

"I would like to know the same thing," I mumbled.

"Someone wants you dead dudes," Stiles stated the obvious. "Badly..."

"Thank you Captain Obvious!," I replied, swinging my arms around dramatically, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "I feel so much better that you repointed that out!" He just glared at me in response, and the room was silent for a minute, until Scott quickly started grabbing up the cash and shoving it into the duffle bag.

"Woah, woah, what are you doing?," Stiles questioned.

"It's getting late," Scott replied. "We've got the PSAT's tomorrow morning."

"No, the money," Stiles said, pointing at the bag for a second. "That's $500,000. You know how much money that is?"

"It's 500,000-," I answered, confusion seeping through my voice, not really understanding his point, as he cut me off.

"It's half a million dollars, Al and Scott. What are you gonna do with it? Just slid it under Scott's mattress?"

"I have to talk to Derek, the money's his," Scott replied.

"His and Peter's," Stiles corrected, and my eyes widened with realization at what he was getting at.

"What does that mean?," Scott asked cluelessly.

"It means maybe we should proceed with caution," Stiles informed him.

"You don't think we should tell Derek?," Scott asked, causing me to shake my head.

"We need to still tell him Stiles," I spoke up.

"No," Stiles argued, standing up, causing Scott and I to look up at him in confusion. "No. No, of course we have to tell him, I'm just... I'm just saying, some of that money's Peter's, right?"

"Yea," Scott replied, looking up at him.

"Right," I confirmed, slightly confused at what he was getting at.

"Peter, homicidal killer..." Stiles stated. "Remember? We wanna give half a million dollars to him?"

I get it now...

"We should give Derek his money back," Scott told him. "But not Peter?"

"I didn't say that," Stiles quickly replied.

Ok... Now I'm just lost.

"Way to confuse me again," I mumbled. I mean, I knew we had to give Derek the money back, but can we trust Peter with it?

"Stiles," my brother started, raising his eyebrows at Stiles. "What are you saying?"

Least I'm not the only one confused.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to Scott's door, and I'm assuming I'm not the only one who heard it cause Scott shoved the duffel bag of money under his bed, and we both shot up off our spots on the floor.
The door opened a second after, revealing a Malia who looked like she had been standing in rain.

The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanfic, Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now