Chapter 14 : A New Enemy

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Meanwhile in Hermit's Headquarter

Dmitriy:"Oh , so this is the meeting hall?"

Hermit:"Apparently yes"

Dmitriy:"Let's all sit down first and talk about the topic"

*They all sit down*

Dmitriy:"So , care to explain the problem?"

Hermit:"Look , our experiments gone wrong and I think we've invited something that we really didn't want"

Empress:"Don't tell me.."


Dmitriy:"Don't leave me alone here!"

Hermit:"So another Arbiter Called Strength VIII , was working on an experiment when it failed"


Hermit:"She's been acting weird ever since , her eyes glow often and she rarely even talk"

Empress:"She also appeared to be neutral"

Dmitriy:'Was she once your friends too?"


Empress:"A close friend"

Dmitriy:"Alright , before I share my thought can you tell me how many Arbiter even exist?!"

Hermit:"There's 4 Arbiter"

Empress:" Empress III , Strength VIII , Hermit IX and Temperance XIV"

Dmitriy:"Alright how about the last one , Temperance"

Hermit:"She rarely talk to us and always focus on her experiment , she appeared to not even care about Strength"

Dmitriy:"Any reason why? another failed experiment?"

Hermit:"Not really , she's been like that ever since"

Velikiy:"I'm confused..."

Dmitriy:"I was like you too when I first arrived here , confused live I've been living under a rock this whole time"


Dmitriy:"Now Velikiy , how's your armament?"

Velikiy:"I ahven't used it yet ever since but I found lots of MRE in the captain and officer cabin"

Dmitriy:"Same as me"


Dmitriy:"Okay , anybody  know where is Strength?"

Empress:"She often stays in her castle and rarely come out of ti"

Dmitriy:"Don't tell me the castle is at another planet"

Empress:"Sorry to break it to you but , yes"

Dmitriy:"Will we be able to get back to earth?"


Dmitriy:"You sure?"

Empress:"Yes darling , we are sure"

Dmitriy:"Let's go then shall we"

Empress:'R-r-right now?"

Dmitriy:"Yes right now"

Hermit:"O-oh , okay"

*A green portal appeared in front of them*

Dmitriy:"Not in here"

*The portal closes*

Hermit:"Then where?"

Dmitriy:"At the port so at least we can stay in formation if something were to happen"

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